The late Sir Remi Omotoso

M. Kehinde Stephen/

Where does one begin to describe Sir Oluremi Omotoso whose death was such a rude shock. Maybe it is important to begin from how I have come to know him through several encounters.

Sir Remi Omotoso was a man of great faith, who had such great respect for men and women of God, regardless of their place in the hierarchy of the church. He was humble almost to a fault, like the centurion in earthly days of our Lord Jesus, he did not attach any much importance to his towering image and status in society.

Sir Remi Omotoso believed very fervently in prayers and would pray through any difficult or challenging circumstance. I am so sure the Angel’s must have borne him on their wings to the church triumphant in his prayerful mode.

The news of his passing was such a devastating blow to so many people across all works of life and particularly to Methodist Church Nigeria. He built for himself such a towering image of one person whose commitment to the growth and financial stability of Methodist Church Nigeria has no equal.

He came to limelight at the National level of the church at its General Purposes Committee many years ago, when he personally undertook to bring together at a retreat somewhere in Lagos all Lay Presidents, Treasurers and prominent Lay Leaders across the Conference area of Methodist Church Nigeria, with a view to finding solutions to the Church’s financial predicament at that time.

When he became the Lay President of Conference much later, he threw himself altogether to the task of transforming the fortunes of the church. His personal faith in Jesus as Lord and Saviour drove him relentlessly in every aspect of church life, believing that the church would transform in line with its Vision and Mission.

He had in abundance the courage of his conviction and no matter the obstacle, he was unstoppable. He displayed such an evangelical zeal in his support for the repositioning of the church. This singular commitment contributed significantly to the emergence of the 2006 Constitution of Methodist Church Nigeria. As a matter of fact the Methodist slogan “Worthy is the Lamb” was his own creation.

Sir Remi Omotoso gave of himself and resources in the most exemplary manner. He was the defacto fundraiser for the church. He moved from Diocese to Diocese across the entire Conference area as he was called upon to support fundraising activities which he did most joyfully, always setting himself as example.

Sir Remi Omotoso fought relentlessly to ensure better remuneration for Ministers and other church workers. He supported the establishment of pension and housing schemes and other welfare programmes put in place to make life better for serving church workers.

He was a moving encyclopedia of knowledge in Methodist Church Nigeria affairs. As the Lay President of the church, he worked side by side with the leadership of the church under whom he served; His Eminence Sunday Mbang CON, and Sunday Ola Makinde CON. Even after he had served his term as Lay President of the Church, he never ceased to make himself available to continue to serve in other capacities within the church.

He served meritoriously and worked very hard to ensure peace and harmony throughout the entire church. It is important to recall his ardent support and many contributions towards Wesley University of Nigeria Ondo. Until his death, he was one of the Trustees of the church, Chairman J-Wesley Investment Company Limited, and on so many other platforms across church.

Sir Remi Omotoso appreciated honesty and dedicated service and never failed to publicly acknowledge industry. He was a very friendly, compassionate and a happy family man.

Finally, let me say that sir Remi Omotoso has fought the good fight, finished the race and kept the faith (2Timothy 4:7).

May God grant him eternal rest.

*Stephen is retired Archbishop of Ibadan, Methodist Church Nigeria


By Editor

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