By Femi Kusa/
What will 2025 throw up for Nigerians and humanity? From the forecasts of industry, economy and business experts, and from my personal observations of persons I regularly interract with, 2025 will very likely be a worse year than 2024 or 2023. I guess so because it is man, and nothing else, who forms his environment and determines his fortunes and misfortunes.
While it is true that under Tinubu’s Administration, a Grade Level O9 teacher employed by the Government of Imo State will earn about N259,000 from this month, huge market forces will make a mincemeat of his pocket. That teacher will discover that his or her N259,000, the monthly salary has merely encouraged him or her to deal a slap across the faces of millions of competitors for money in Nigeria in exchange for slaps across his or her face by rivals in the Naira gold mines.
Everywhere in the polity, Economy and Social order, we will experience worse animal behaviour than in 2024 and 2023. I will explain why, presently.
Before then, I will like to share with you three types of animal behaviours I experienced when I reared pigs, hens, cats, and dogs.
On the pig farm, the big pigs eat up the small pigs when food is scarce. The pig farmer who rears pregnant pigs knows he must separate them in different pens. He must boldly imprint on the wall of each pen the date on which the residents pregnant pig will have its piglets. This is 3 months 3weeks and 3 days from when he took it for matting. Food must be abundant one week from the due date. Should the piglets come in the night, and there is not enough food for the mother pig, it may eat up all the new borns before dawn.
I had fun in the study of animal behavior when I reared 24 local hens in the back yard garden of a bungalow in which I lived on Ajanaku Street, Awuse Estate, Opebi, Lagos. I will throw a large piece of mussel meat at them. One will pick it. The others will attack it. It will flee with the meat held in its beak. The others will pursue. The meat will fall, and another hen will pick it. The vicious circle will continue. The hens are animalistic. They are hungry. There is food. They cannot organize themselves to share the food and make each one have something to eat. Human often, human behaviour is like this.
The scramble for money in Nigeria this year will grow bigger than in 2024 and should worsen those conditions among men which make their existence unpalatable.
As for the dogs and the cats, they are always like sworn enemies, unless they are guided by humans who are conscious that they have a unifying influence over all creatures and call forth from deep within them abilities for this leadership purpose.
If 2025 will be a better new year than previous new years, that possibility lies with us all. There is no knife that is so sharp that, on its own, will cut vegetable and plantain in the backyard garden for family dinner. It is a human hand that will put it to work. Persons who bringing out the best in us, like the hand which works the sharp knife, are those human beings who are working for 2025 to be a better year than 2024. That will determine whether 2025 can hold that promise. Our responses will determine if they will succeed.
The evidence at the outset of 2025 is that many Nigerians are no different from the persons they had been since adulthood. Therefore, they should not expect the dense black patches on 2024 to automatically transform into radiant, luminous white hues and tones in 2025.
On 31 December 2023, the churches were overfilled by worshippers who believed that 2023 was responsible for all their woes. Therefore, they entreated the incoming 2024 to be their friend and futune bearer. They have forgotten that, as 2022 was taking its bow, they cursed and abused it, and entreated incoming 2023 to be their friend and futune bearer. Every adult today can plot the graph or trajectory of his or her life to the onset of GENERATIVE POWER at purberty when his or her spirit kernel, hitherto protectively world in by the physical body, made his first direct contact with all spheres of the material world. That is when the youth is restless, wishing to storm the mountain, tranvers the earth and conquer it. Often, this coincides with melancoly and choleric years.
What happens after that to generative power, which would have burnt the spirit channel aloft and help it to not only discover the purpose of his existence on earth, but to also fullfil it, was that it was drained off into antithetical pursuits. The result was that, in a massive bread and butter existence, the spirit kernel has forgotten about (1) what it is (2) where it came from (3) while it is on earth (4) the unchangeable laws which governs earthly and post earthly existence (5) the dangers of not complying with these laws, and the benefits of doing so.
I wish to mention here only two of the Laws of Nature which will decide whether we would have a beautiful or an ugly 2025.
The effect of these laws on our lives through our misconduct or misbehavior cannot be mitigated or abolished by many of the activities which take place in many churches today. These churches are wooing spiritual weaklings with assertions that they are called by the Almighty creator to free them from the bondage into which their known and unknown enemies have placed them. Cheap testimonies of freedom from bondage are shared and followed with the sharing of bank account numbers of the prophet. In one such testimony, a Lagos roadside groundnut seller said N3million was paid into her bank account the day after she paid a N5000 covenant levy to her church. I wondered what happened to the money laundering law which required that a bank account be frozen where a lodgement of up to N1million cannot be successfully explained. Some of the other activities of spiritual highway men which cannot abort the effects of these two and other natural laws on our misconduct and misbehavior include but are not limited to … Special prayer, writhing of the hands, shouting at the top of our voices, stamping of our feet on the ground, rubbing anointing oil on our bodies, or adding it to our foods, drinking anointing water, wearing of anointing Mantle, wearing of singlets kept on the alter for months, anointed handkerchief, eating anointed fruits and cooking with anointed oil and salt, payment of covenant money, and sowing of seeds with money, fasting and prayers for first born children to not rank least among their siblings, deliverance from the enemies, known and unknown, who are said to have placed their victims in bondage.
If we critically observe our environment, including our fellow humans, we would observe the law of homogenity at work in our Universe, and in our fate or conditions of existence. The cells of the tongue are homogeneous and different from those of the brain, eyes, skin, liver or bones. In Forests, animals leave in Homogeneous communities , lions among lions, elephants among elephants etc. In the water, whales do not leave with crayfish, Titus or halibut.
Regarding whether 2025 will be a beautiful or ugly year for us, the secret lies in what we do with our thoughts. They are origins of what proceeds from our tongues and hand. The so called prayer we say in church, expecially during vigil and night prayers, are mere petitions which constitutes wasted energy, because they hardly have the power to bear them aloft to the Foot-stool of the THRONE OF GRACE. The spoken words merely form channels or pathways for our spiritual intuitive perception, which is leaving energy.What is an empty channel without leaving energy in it? The real prayer is what comes out of our THOUGHTS.
There are two kinds of thought, namely (1) INTUITIVE THOUGHT VOLITION and (2) INTERLECTUAL THOUGHT VOLITION. Intuitive thought volition comes from the spirit. Intellectual thought volition comes from the intellect. Therefore, intuitive thought volition is more powerful and potent than intellectual thought volition. The spirit, which produces intuitive thought volition, is the highest creature in Creation. The intellect, which belongs to the body, is the toll and servant of the spirit which implement the will of the spirit on earth. The body serves only as a housing to the spirit. In many persons, the Spirit kernels hardly know of why it exists, what it is, where it is from, for what purpose it is on earth, where it goes after the earth, and the laws which governs its existence on earth, in the beyond.
I will say the spirit seed germ or kernels is on earth, like a mango seed sowed in the soil, to sprout, gerinate, flower and fruit, recognize the WILL of the Almighty Creator in Creation and unconditionally fulfill it, perfect its abilities and return home to Paradise where it may be privileged to partake in the further up building of Creation.
Many of us are far removed from this reality as human spirit will produce intuitive thought that are contrary to pure thought which the Laws of Creation expect of us. How many of us are not envious or hateful, greedy, cunning or malcontent and malevolent, for examples? These weaknesses may exit, feeble or dormant, in our intuitive thought volition without our knowing that they do. Let us take envy and hatred as example. The intuitive thought volition is fashioned by a special specie of NATURE BEINGS into intuitive thought form. If they are pure forms, they would purify, ennoble, beautify and upgrade us, our environment and whatever they impact. If they are dark and ugly intuitive thought forms, they will produce opposite effects. Beautiful and ugly intuitive thought forms are alive and active. The ugly ones are the DEMONS we always talk about. They are attached to their author’s. If we do not target them at anyone, they roam about and attract to themselves demonic forms of their Nature or homogeneity that they are stronger than, or are attracted by the ones that are stronger than they are Gradually, they form communities on earth and in the beyond which some Christians called principalities. These Homogeneous principalities are nourished by larger homogeneous power centers.
Whenever we permit ourselves to think evil, we tune ourselves to the energy vibrations of these principalities and power centers. Their energies rouse and nourish our intuitive and intellectual volitions, invigorating them and our capacity to think and to impact evil.
The day we send intuitive thought of envy or hatred to any one, these huge army will attack our target. Envy and hatred will envelope such a person with all their manifestation, including murder. Pure target come to no harm. Inevitably, the demons will attack the author of one or several of them, causing such vicicitudes of existence from which deliverance from and imagined enemy is often or whereas the author is the cause of his or her own problems. On the other hand, beautiful intuitive thought bring us beautiful, bountiful harvests.
As stated earlier, the forms of intellectual thought volition have no lives of their own, are weaker and soon perish when they are not nourished by their authors. Nevertheless, they are powerful enough to destroy individuals and nations. We often encounter them, too, in our dreams.
When we are faced with challenges of existence in whatever form and we critically examine ourselves, we may discover that we have a hand or hands in what is afflicting us. Look at this scenaro. When we envy or hate someone, we are attached with spiritual bound to that person. We become like two birds, figuratively speaking, tied together at the wings. Neither of us will be able to move about freely. Imagine the other person tied to about 50 other persons on earth and in the beyond. Imagine this other 50 persons attached to several other persons who have their own lineages of attachment as well. Now imagine yourself with an array of Homogeneous number of attachments.How would you be able to move as freely as you would like to? Which prophet or pastor or general overseer can face the WILL OF GOD to free you from the effort of the LAW OF ATTRACTION OF HOMOGENEOUS SPECIE?Your salvation lies in the recognition of this will and unconditionally fulfilling It by doing only what is good at all times. That was why the LORD JESUS, the anniversary of Who’s birth on earth we celebrated on Christmas day, warned us: LOVE THY NEIGHBOUR AS THY SELF. Whatever weapon we fashion against our neighbour we fashion against ourselves. The LORD JESUS also said THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH, that is THE HOLY SPIRIT, does not forgive sins.
Now, let us do a simple audit of our intuitive thought volition and our intellectual thought volition. How does our day go? It does not matter if we are single, married, parents, or friends or workers in a household. What of the power play in our offices, businesses, residential neighborhoods? What go out of us every day will determine what come back to us in bigger multitudes.
Long ago, while I was observing THE LAW OF SOWING AND REAPING, I contemplated the sowing of an ear of corn. It produced a stalk of maize on which were 5 cobs, each with about 400 ears of corns. Therefore, we can assume that one ear of corn can give birth to 2000 ears of corn. That is how you and I stand with our intuitive thought volition and intellectual thought volition in the wonderful creation of GOD governed by his Powers and Justice.
What remedies would then be open to us but to take ourselves to the cleaners and turn new leaves, that is conduct our existence on entirely new platforms, beliefs and conceptions? The new platform and conceptions have come to us in the extension of spiritual knowledge on earth at this juncture of THE COSMIC TURNING- POINT which has taken our Universe millions of earth years to achieve. Every cosmic turning point, the earth comes under greater spiritual impact and increased energy and tensions. Imagine the tensions education in primary school, secondary school and in the university, and of how persons who could not withstand them fall. The earth is a spiritual training school.The curricular have grown more voluminous. By now, every-one of us ought to have known what we are, where we came from, what we are here for, the laws which govern existence here and in the hereafter, the road map of our journey back home, the landmarks on the way, the dangers which may make us lose our way, the helps on the way which will make us not to be lost, and, even while here on Earth, what we can always do to live in a surfeit of peace, plenty, happiness and joy. Those of us who are already moving in these direction are the ones said by the keepers of the HOUSEHOLD OF GOD, the Universe, to be LIVING HUMAN BEINGS. Advisedly, I mentioned the words HUMAN BEINGS. For not every human creature who exist in external human form is a human being. There are other creatures who are not human in their content but exist in external human form. Our forebears knew about them. They are the Nature Beings or the elemental beings who are responsible for the formation of Nature…rivers, seas and oceans, the stars, the hills, mountains, rocks and plants e.t.c.
The HUMAN BEING is the human kernel creature which, dwelling within the earth human body, as evolved into the human form such a being is the one said to be …A CHILD OF GOD. The headline of this article acknowledges such a person as a … LIVING HUMAN. Living, when we know What We are and begin to act as is expected of us so that we do not become irritable , irritating, disturbing and unwanted guests in the household of God who, eventually, must be cast out according to adamantine laws of the wonderful Creation of GOD. The other hand THE LIFELESS SHADOWS refers to those humans who are not yet human Beings and are groping about in the dark, SPIRITUALLY BLIND, DEAF AND DUMB, their spiritual senses, insensitive and feeble like the physical body of new born baby on earth. In spiritual parlance, they are brain cripples. They cannot use their brains aright. Their brains are disconnected from the human spirits resident within the external human body. In these persons, the human spirits cannot govern the earth alright and since they form the majority of humans on earth nothing on earth today is not crippled. Education is crippled in Nigeria. We educate the brain, to produce fine intellect, and not the spirit, the real man. Wasn’t Nigeria a better country when we had only 5 universities than today with about 250? Brain cripples have removed medicine and nutrition from THE WILL OF GOD and caged them in THE WILL OF MAN. The social order has been overturned. Marriage is no longer marriage even democracy is man made and this is not the best form of government. The Economy is covetous, greedy, cunning, suffocating, acquisitive etc. So what goodness can 2025 bring: LIVING HUMANS or LIFELESS SHADOWS of them?

FEMI KUSA was at various times Editor; Director of Publication/ Editor-in-Chief of THE GUARDIAN NEWSPAPER; and Editorial Director/ Editor-in-Chief of THE COMET NEWSPAPER. Currently, he keeps a Thursday Column on Alternative Medicine in the NATION NEWSPAPER.
Some of his health columns may be found on and in MIDIUM a digital platform for writers. He is active also on Facebook @ John OLUFEMI KUSA.