Compiled by Dipo Kehinde/
Lovers may see a kiss as just an action that sparks nature’s fire, stirring up sweet desire. But there’s more to kisses than the lips can tell.
Some research findings have shown over time that the best way to revive low spirits is through kisses. People who kiss frequently have a release of adrenaline each time which makes them healthier.
Below you will find a variety of kiss types compiled from various sources by Dipo Kehinde for lovers to enjoy at this Valentine Season. Licking your lips already? Well, if you find some that catch your fancy, feel free to try them:
Amotekun (Leopard) Kiss –
Quietly sneak up behind your partner making sure they do not know what you are going to do. Out of the blue, grab them and gently bite their neck. Make sure to get a few good growls in too. This will surely surprise them. It is originally known as Tiger Kiss.
Butterfly Kiss –
With your faces less than a breath away, open and close your eyelids against your partners. If done correctly, the fluttering sensation will match the one in your heart.

Cheek Kiss –
A friendly, “I really like you” kiss. It’s often the preferred kissing method of a first date. With your hands on your partner’s shoulders, gently brush your lips across her cheek.
Earlobe Kiss –
Gently sip and suck the earlobe. Avoid louder sucking noises as ears are sensitized noise detectors. And you may go further by probing with your tongue. As the Spanish novelist, Javier Marias says in ‘A Heart So White’: “The tongue in the ear is always the most persuasive of kisses…the tongue that probes and disarms, whispers and kisses, that almost obliges.”
Eskimo Kiss –
With your faces less than a breath apart, gently rub your noses together.
Eye Kiss –
Hold your partner’s head with both hands and slowly move their head in the direction you wish your kiss to go… then slowly kiss up towards your partner’s eyes and give them a tender kiss on top of their closed eyes.
Eyelid Kiss –
While your partner is resting or sleeping with eyes closed, very gently kiss the spot right below their brow bone. It’s a very intimate kiss.
Finger Kiss:
While laying together gently suck on their fingers. This can be very seductive and pleasurable.
Foot Kiss:
It’s an erotic and romantic gesture. It may tickle, but relax and enjoy it! To give a toe kiss by gently sucking the toes and then lightly kissing the foot. It helps to gently massage the base of the foot while performing the kiss.
Forehead Kiss –
The “motherly” kiss or “just friends” kiss. The forehead kiss can be a comforting kiss to anyone. Simply brush your lips lightly across the crown of their head.
Freeze Kiss (or Melt Kiss) –
Experiment with this fun kiss. Put a small piece of ice in your mouth, then open mouth and kiss your partner, passing them the ice with your tongue. It’s an erotic and sensual French kiss with a twist of cold.
French Kiss:
The kiss involving the tongue. Some call this the “Soul Kiss” because the life and soul are thought to pass through the mouth’s breath in the exchange across tongues. Surprisingly, the French call this “The English Kiss”.

Fruity Kiss:
Take a small piece of fruit and place between your lips (juicy fruits such as grapes, strawberries, small pieces of pineapple or mango are ideal). Kiss your partner and nibble one half of the piece of fruit while they nibble the other until it breaks in half, allowing the juice to run into your mouths.
Hand Kiss –
Gently raise her hand to your lips. Lightly brush your lips across the top of her hand. Historically this kiss was performed with a bow, which showed deference to a lady.
Hickey Kiss –
The object is not to draw blood but to gently leave a mark that will prove your interlude was not a dream. This is often included in erotic foreplay.
Hostage Kiss –
Cover your lips with tape and get your love’s attention. When they come near, make noises like you’re trying to tell them something and motion as if you can’t get the tape off. Once they remove the tape from you to hear what you’re trying to say tell them: “I’ve been saving my lips all day just for you!” Then kiss your love passionately!
Hot and Cold Kiss –
Lick your partner’s lips so that they’re warm, and then gently blow on them. The sudden cold blast makes for a sensual explosion. They will often try it on you next, as well as get very passionate.

Mistletoe Kiss –
Surprise your lover by capturing them with a gentle holiday kiss under the mistletoe. This is also a good method for shyer individuals to steal a kiss from a potential lover.
Letter Kiss –
Send your lover a kiss in a love letter by writing the letter x several times in a row at the bottom of a letter such as xxxxx.
Lick Kiss –
Just before kissing, gently run your tongue along you partners lip whether it is the top or bottom one depending on the position of your lips. It’s very sensual.
Neck Nibble Kiss –
Gently nibble up and down your partner’s neck. End with a gentle kiss on the lips.
Nip Kiss –
This kiss can create a very erotic sensation. While kissing your partner, ever so gently nibble on their lips. You must be very careful not to bite too hard or hurt your partner. When done correctly, this kiss ignites wonderful sensations.

Reverse Lips Kiss –
It involves standing above your lover and kissing them from over their head. This way, each kisser can take the hyper-sensitive bottom lip of their lover in their mouths, and GENTLY draw blood to the surface of the lip by nibbling and sucking. It’s a very sensuous, connecting kiss.
Searching The Cavern –
Use the lips and tongue to gently tickle and kiss your lover’s navel. Vary speeds and stroke to change sensation. Invigorating and intoxicating.
Shoulder Kiss –
Simply come from behind, embrace her, and kiss the top of her shoulder. This is a sensual, loving kiss.
Sip Kiss –
The next time you’re walking your date home and it starts raining, consider grabbing your sweetie and giving a long smooch. Take a small sip of your favourite drink. Leaving a little bit of it on your lips, kiss your partner. It is a unique way to create a sensual feeling and your partner will enjoy it.
Talking Kiss:
You whisper sweet nothings into your partner’s mouth; if caught in the act, simply say as Chico Marx, “I wasn’t kissing her. I was whispering into her mouth.”
Teaser Kiss –
Starting on the forehead, a sweet short kiss on lips, then move up the arms up to her hand, kiss her hand, then come back up her arm, to her face and then lightly kiss her lips till she wants a passionate kiss.
The Buzzing Kiss –
Gently place your lips against your lover’s neck, behind their ear. Now, send a shudder through their skin by gently growling and humming, vibrating your lips and cheeks as you do so. Move up and down the neck, over the bones of the face and lips. It’s stimulating and erotic when done correctly.
The Whipped Cream Kiss –
Dip your finger into some cool whip or whipped cream of your choice. Lick it off slowly, then embrace your partner and kiss them deeply letting their tongue slip over yours for a wonderfully sweet kiss. It’s very seductive and passionate.
Trickle Kiss:
Take a sip of a favourite drink and trickle it slowly into a partner’s mouth while kissing.

Tongue Sucking –
A variation of the French kiss. During an open-mouth kiss gently suck on your partner’s tongue (not too hard because it may hurt). Very sexy 🙂
Quickie Kiss –
When you’re in a rush. Often the nose gets it rather than the lips.

Vacuum Kiss –
While kissing open-mouthed, slightly suck in as if you were sucking the air from your partner’s mouth. This is a playful kiss.
Wake-Up Kiss –
Before your partner awakes, lean over and kiss the cheek and move over giving soft kisses until you reach the lips. It’s definitely more than a pleasant way to wake up.
Virtual Kiss –
For Internet lovers. Send an e-card or a kiss via email with this symbol:-*
There are additional styles contributed by Sari Locker, a sex educator, TV personality, and author of the best-seller, The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Amazing Sex. They are:
The Waterfall Kiss
The wetness of your
face and lips will give this kiss an incredibly sensual vibe. Just ask Seth,
31, who began making out with his girlfriend in the rain with great results:
“It became increasingly wet with the rain pouring down—it was just all
tongue and water and slippery and very sexy,” he recalls. “Sometimes
I try to create that in the shower with the woman I’m dating now. It works, but
the original was definitely better.”
The Tickle-Me Kiss
For a lighter, more playful night of necking, forget about your lips for a second and try using a new tool in your kissing arsenal: your eyelashes. Fluttered against a check or temple, they’ll deliver a barely-there sensation that will leave your lover wanting more, much more. Just ask Sarah, 30, “Sometimes I tickle my boyfriend before I kiss him by batting my eyelashes lightly against his cheek. I follow with a line of soft, light kisses there. He always laughs. It’s a nice way to remind him of the fun side of our relationship.”

The Roundabout Kiss
The outer edges of your lips are sensitive, but oft-ignored, area—so try revving your amour’s motor by trying this move. Trace the tip of your tongue along this periphery, a move that does wonders for Virginia Smith, 23. “My boyfriend would kiss me on the lips and then pull away, a little, and run his tongue slowly along my upper lip and then my bottom lip, in a circle. Every time I tried to kiss him, he would pull away, and then go in for some more circle action. It drove me crazy, in a good way.”
The Power Kiss
Sometimes the most passionate kisses have very little to do with your mouth. Rather, it’s the commanding way you use your hands that can make sparks fly. For Heather, 29 kissing hits new heights when her boyfriend grabs her just so. “He’ll pull me close when I least expect it, putting his right hand firmly around my waist and cradling the back of my head with his left hand before kissing me,” she explains. “I love that kind of kiss!”

The Ice-Cube Kiss
On a hot summer day, you can still make chills run up and down your date’s spine by popping an ice cube into your mouth or eating an ice-pop…then planting one. Take it from Laura, 28, who uses frozen grapes for a chilly surprise. “Sometimes, I’ll pop a frozen grape or two into my mouth before I kiss the guy I’m with. It makes my mouth really cold and when I kiss his neck and down his chest, he loves the way it feels—he gets goosebumps everywhere.”
The Keep-Away Kiss
Making your lover beg for more can be a turn-on, and there’s a way to bring this element into kissing. Nicole, 26, has mastered the technique. “After I’ve been making out hot and heavy with a guy for a few minutes, I like to pull back and look him in the eyes. At this moment the guy will usually try to make out again, but I don’t surrender the upper hand! After I’ve successfully avoided another kiss, I give him a bunch of baby kisses along his lips starting at one side and going to the other. He always swoons.”
Kiss with a Twist
Those mints that you keep in your pocket can help you with more than just your breath. Try this trick for a tingling sensation, and a tasty game of hide-and-seek. Karen, 35, explains how she makes this work for her: “I tuck a mint in the back of my cheek and he tries to pull it into his mouth with his tongue. It makes for some good, deep kissing.” It adds a cool feeling to your kiss, and as Karen adds, “It’s a fun way to ensure some lengthy foreplay.”
The Stop-and-Go Kiss
This kissing game will get you steaming up the windows of your car in no time: When driving somewhere, promise to smooch every time you’re waiting at a red light. Whether you’ve got time for a full-blown make-out session or just for a peck on the lips, it certainly beats just sitting there waiting impatiently, plus it can become a sexy new aspect of your relationship.