Ololade Adeyanju/

As 12 Democrats including former Vice President Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders, face off in the largest presidential primary debate in US history, Biden has ramped up his Twitter rhetoric by urging American voters to rally round him because he is the only aspirant capable of beating President Donald Trump hands down in the 2020 US presidential election.

Tweeting via his handle, @JoeBiden, he stressed that Americans needed someone who could do more than just beat Trump in the election, but someone that could “beat him like a drum”.

Read his full thread: “For days, pundits have let Donald Trump define the conversation around tonight’s #DemDebate.

“Well, Trump doesn’t get to pick the Democratic nominee. And I’m not going to be distracted by all his lies, smears, distortions, and name-calling. He’s picked a fight with the wrong guy.

“This election is about you. Your children. Your family. And you can’t wait for a president fighting for you when it comes to health care, or jobs, or education, or guns, or climate. The world can’t wait for America to once again lead a stable, peaceful international order.

“Fixing what’s broken in this country will take vision—and yes, it will take plans. But that’s not enough.

“It also takes the proven ability to get it done. And there is no one on tonight’s stage who has a stronger record of passing important, consequential legislation than I do.

“From the Voting Rights Act renewal, to the ban on assault weapons, to the Violence Against Women Act, to Obamacare, to the Recovery Act that kept us from sliding into a Depression, I’ve delivered progress for you.

“I know what it takes to get it done.

“Folks, we have to do more than beat Donald Trump. We have to beat him like a drum.

“When I take the #DemDebate stage tonight, I’m going to show you that I’m the best candidate to do just that.

“Let’s go.”


By Editor

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