The United Kingdom has issued a statement clarifying that the former Delta State governor, James Ibori, was deported to Nigeria after serving his jail term for money laundering in a British jail.
The statement, issued on Sunday, also affirmed the status of Ibori as an ex-convict, who is still facing legal action to confiscate his illegally acquired assets.
The statement added that the confiscated assets would be returned to Nigeria.
The statement reads: “Having been jailed for his crimes in the UK and served his sentence, Mr. Ibori has now been returned to Nigeria. The UK will continue to pursue, vigorously, the legal process to confiscate and return to Nigeria, Ibori’s criminal assets. The UK is determined to lead the way in a coordinated global effort to bring the corrupt to justice.
“That is why it was vital we sent a clear message to the world that James Ibori, a man who stole millions from the Nigerian Government and laundered those proceeds in the UK, has been held to account. Mr. Ibori’s return will not prevent prosecutors from pursuing confiscation proceedings against him.‎”


By Editor

One thought on “UK Clarifies Ibori’s Status”
  1. I am not too sure if he was deported as claimed because couple of days before his eventual arrival in Nigeria, he still went to court to challenge his conviction. Knowing fully well he willingly pleaded guilty to all the charges levied against him during the trial, he was attempting overturning the judgement based on the allegations of corruption against some of the investigation officers in charge of his case.

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