A set of police recruits. File photoA set of police recruits. File photo

Segun Atanda/

A joke by Twitter user about his imaginary experience during a police recruitment exercise has been attracting a lot attention.

The post by Matthew Segun Olabode on the handle, @Matooosa, has been liked 31,000 times and retweeted 13,000 times.

The tweet reads: “Anytime I see Nigerian Police doing recruitment, I’ll remember my first and final attempt, we were told to run 200 meters, I tried my best to be the best and took first, only for me to be slapped severally and disqualified that I was running like a THIEF and not (like) a Police(man)..”

The Twitter joke about police recruitment exercise
The Twitter joke about police recruitment exercise

Also commenting on the level of attention the tweet has enjoyed, Olabode tweeted: “Since I posted this yesterday, my mention has been in a mess. Thanks to everyone that appreciate(s) the tweet…”


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