Hon. Tunji Bello

By  Kola Johnson 

As Tunji Bello, the veteran journalist, lawyer, political scientist, brilliant writer, ex newspaper columnist, ex chairman, editorial board, This Day Newspapers, later chairman, Editorial board, National Concord, consumate environmental czar and immediate ex commissioner of environment and water Resources, and Lagos based APC chieftain, today clocks 62 eventful years of existence on earth, the general mass of his admirers and well wishers spread across the national space, predominated by the inumerable lots garnered over the  years, by dint of his astounding literary spell in his hey days as a fire brand columnist, who dazzled the reading public with his cerebral intellect, are not only celebrating with him, but are actually taking the lead, as if the celebrative moment belongs more to them than the celebrating birthday boy.

To be sure, their euphoria of celebrative joyfulness would have nothing to do with a sybaritian Island of luxury garnered somewhere; exotic castles dotting the landscape, or vast financial empire, hugely stocked  in the kitty. No. Certainly none to show, safe for a phantom.

Looking back over the years, one recalls and rightly too, that his activist impulse found a definitive formative expression during his spell as an undergraduate of the University of Ibadan, following his successful foray into the world of student unionism, in which he had an exciting shot as vice-president

By the way, it needs be stated; on a curious note of coincidence, whether by sheer happenstance or whimsical magisterial fate, that it was indeed in the heat of the pre-election campaign, for which he visited the Queen’s Hall, populated by the female students that he stumbled on a beautiful damsel residing in the same hall, who unknowingly hidden in the womb of futurism, was later to be his wife. The person in reference is no other than Professor Ibiyemi Bello, the distinguished scientist and academician who currently holds forth as the incumbent vice- chancellor, Lagos State University (LASU).

Coming on the heels of his graduation, it was not surprising that he immediately opted for the challenging sphere of journalism, queing into the praxis of the likes of Herbert Heelas Macaulay, the Great Zik, Earnest Sesei Ikoli, among a host of others, who were fired by the patriotic impulse to harness the strategic utilitarian import of journalism as a formidable vehicle for social reformation.

In the same vein of comparison, if one may yet add, the fore-going, finds added corroboration in  Laban Namme, ex chairman, Daily Times, who in a newspaper interview, many years ago, reportedly recalled an occasion in 1946, when he saw and heard Zik speak at the famous Lagos City Hall, and was so moved by his electrifying oration, that he bade bye to his earlier chosen career and intended course of study, in embrace of politics and journalism.

As it would auspiciously unfold, Tunji’s remarkable literary talent, cerebral endowments, self-confidence, natural charisma, coupled above all, with his divinely ordained destiny, soon stood him up in conspicuously luculent distinction, which eventually catapulted him to the elite-bracket chairmanship of the editorial board of This Day newspapers

Looking back to those glorious moment of his journalistic Odyssey, those who knew him, even only by sheer reputation, would attest in nostalgic flush of spontaneous excitement, the remarkable eclact with which he acquitted himself, not only for his invaluable input in the collective drive at invigorating the editorial content of This Day Newspaper to enviable standard, but the incisive intellectual articulation encapsulating his weekly columns.

His fame spread across the national space, commanding a fanatical cult of followership fired by the romantic embrace of his delectable prose.

It was on the crestwav e of his enviable popular acclaim that he navigated to the National Concord as the next port of duty – soaring  on an even higher wavelength of fame and popular reckoning anchored on his familiar identifying badge of excellence.

When eventually, at the inception of  Tinubu’s administration, the then enigmatic Lagos State governor, appointed the versatile journalist as Commissioner of Environment, a “scientific portfolio” incongruously ill at variance with an alien journalistic habbitat to which Tunji belonged, the visionary  ex governor, and incumbent Nigeria’s president must have seen what the preponderance of onlooking observers were not seeing.

In other words, Tinubu must have been charmed by his charisma, supreme self-assurance, his restive creative temper, his dynamic and adventurous propensity as ostensibly oozing from his impressive literary skill, and of course by discerning close-in appraisal, at moments of interactive interface.

Predictably, tongues wagged; eye brows raised by cynics wondering how Tinubu would deem no other person, but Tunji Bello, of all people, as most apposite for the pivotal helmsmanship of a particularly critical sector like the Ministry of Environment. A fellow who all his life had known or done nothing other than journalism, suddenly foisted on a supposedly most unfamiliar turf like environment.

Particularly worthy of note in this connection, with regards to the arrant naivety, if not foolhardiness, that such seemingly incongruous square peg preference connote to this class of skeptics could quite be understood, as we journey back in excursion to memory, for a graphic vivification of the looming environmental disaster that earned the industrial and commercial capital of Nigeria and West Africa, the perjorative epithet of one of the dirtiest cities in the world.

To be sure, this was one of the most challenging albatross of which the Tinubu administration had the most grievous misfortune to be a legatee.

While one would ordinarily and of course more sensibly, have expected him, for this all-important purpose, to shop at the germane portals of technocrats – renowned ones for that matter – Tinubu ostensibly impressed by Tunji’s journalistic trajectory among his other remarkable innate qualities – would rather defy the commonsensical box of orthodoxy, in embrace of the renowned media technocrat.

But today, all is history. Tunji’s in-born genius that brought him to enviable journalistic pinnacle, rode with invincible ardour on top of the seeming insuperable terrifying odds, to redefine the environmental landscape from the horrifying paradigm of old, to the splendiferous ambience we behold today, in aptly beffiting congruence with the visionary grandeur of an exotic mega city Lagos, seminaly burstling from the creative modernising esctasy of Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu, who deservingly earns the honorific epaulette of the father of modern Lagos.

A rare breed with an astounding ability to learn and master the rope with ease, his romance with politics  could by no means be rated as dating back for so long, yet in the Mainland Local government, his political constituency, Tunji commands a remarkable ubiquity as a popular grassroot gem, whose name resonates in virtually every household.

The secret to this cryptic myth cannot be too far-fetched, in view of his insatiable passion for the poor and the unbridled penchant to touch lives. It is therefore no wonder, if only for this singular factor, that there is virtually no household in the Mainland Local government which he has literally not affected with his sublime milk of philanthropy, dispensed through the Mainland Independent Group, a socio-political pressure group of which Tunji Bello holds forth not only as  the patron but a worthy pillar, catering from time to time for the needs of the teeming mass of members, apart from the regular empowerment program for traders and artisans which he shoulders single handedly

Coupled with the fore-going is his immensely pacifist role as a unifying and integrative force, not only preaching the need for unity amongst the diverse  caucauses, but also living truly to the noble precept, in his magnanimous large-heartedness, as expressed in his eager embrace of all irrespective of class, sex, religion, sectarian creed of any sort or caucauses.

It becomes clearly apparent in view of the fore-going, that the Tunji Bello factor, especially within the context of his passionate humanitarian bent, has contributed in immensely appreciable proportion, as a gravitational pull for  influx of new members not only drawn from other groups, but also green horns partaking in politics for the first time – who clearly discerned in him, a father-figure who truly cares.

This little piece will indeed not be complete without reference, no matter how terse, to his inestimable pillar role, often exuded, in the bid to ensure for his darling APC, a landslide victory at every elections.

His frenetic broad based consultations, restive pace and pragmatic workable ideas including the huge financial resources dispensed at this critical period which has gone a long way in keeping the party aloft in dominant leverage in Lagos Mainland politics – for which he had succeeded in etching his name in the hall of fame, is indeed better reserved for another day.

Exemplifying the fore-going, more than anything, was the memorable epic role during the recently concluded general election, particularly the crucial phase of Apex presidency, involving his political leader and father, Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu.

The staggering sum dispensed by him in hiring hundreds of independent mobilisers, from every local government areas of the state, for a  frenetic door-to-door campaign, coupled with his consistent interactive interface with them at the Golden Gate Hotel Sabo Yaba, coupled with his inspirational words of encouragement while extolling Tinubu’s virtue to high heavens, will forever remain a study in loyalty.

Johnson is a writer and Journalist


By Dipo

Dipo Kehinde is an accomplished Nigerian journalist, artist, and designer with over 34 years experience. More info on: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dipo-kehinde-8aa98926

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