US President Donald TrumpUS President Donald Trump

Ololade Adeyanju/

US President, Donald Trump, has accused the country’s media of working for the opposition Democratic Party.

Reacting to media reports of his decision to call off a meeting with the Afghanistan Taliban, Trump tweeted that the US media had revealed themselves to be an arm of the Democratic Party.

He also accused the media of pushing an agenda aimed at ensuring a Democratic Party victory in the 2020 Presidential Election.

Trump tweeted: “A lot of Fake News is being reported that I overruled the VP and various advisers on a potential Camp David meeting with the Taliban. This Story is False! I always think it is good to meet and talk, but in this case I decided not to.

“The Dishonest Media likes to create the look of turmoil in the White House, of which there is none. I view much of the media as simply an arm of the Democrat Party.

“They are corrupt, and they are extremely upset at how well our Country is doing under MY Leadership, including the Economy, where there is NO Recession, much to the regret of the LameStream Media!

“They are working overtime to help the Democrats win in 2020, but that will NEVER HAPPEN, Americans are too smart!”


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