Terrorists backed by the Islamic State.

Malik Yahya/

Fighters of the Islamic State West Africa Province (ISWAP) have taken over Geidam town in Yobe State from Nigerian authorities.

NewsmakersNG learnt that the terrorists who invade the town yesterday evening are still in firm control of the territory.

They have reportedly hoisted their flags in the town and are distributing pamphlets convincing the residents to join them.

Bulama Bukarti, a security analyst with the Tony Blair Institute, shared the latest development on Twitter.

Bukarti wrote, “Multiple residents of Geidam, one of Yobe’s major towns, have contacted me reporting that ISWAP fighters, who invaded them yesterday evening, are still in charge of the town this 12:45pm. They’ve hoisted their flags and are distributing a pamphlet inviting residents to join them.

“In the Hausa pamphlet, they explain their ideology and that they do not kill Muslims who do not fight them. They said they are happy to accept anyone who is willing to repent and join them. They have destroyed an Airtel station, some government buildings and burnt some vehicles.

“Obviously, ISWAP is on a recruitment drive and a raid. They frequently raid government buildings and health centers in northern Yobe to steal food, medicines and other supplies. They also preach to convince locals to join them by portraying their violence as a divine project.”


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