Steve Osuji crying for NigeriaSteve Osuji crying for Nigeria

Steve Osuji/

To hundreds of my friends on Facebook who poured in felicitations even before I sent out a word, I say God’s grace be upon you…

I actually woke up yesterday very sad and heavy of heart. After my usual morning routines, It occurred to me there’s nothing to celebrate as the situation in my COUNTRY has really gotten grimmer…

Here are some of the thoughts that broke my heart:

1. I wept because our COUNTRY, NIGERIA is tottering dangerously; it is sad to say, but our President has consistently shown that he’s not in control of the affairs of state; acute absence of governance visible across board.

2. I wept because I live in a COUNTRY where a Chief of Staff openly repudiates an Acting President without being called to order.

3. I wept because PMB obviously has no capacity to lead NIGERIA of this digital age yet he is being pushed to do another term.

4. I wept because we live in a COUNTRY where innocent compatriots are slaughtered daily and my President can only make excuses for the murderous Fulani herders/terrorists.

5. I wept because i don’t see any grand vision or strategy to transform NIGERIA,
6. I wept because even currently, only about 90 percent of of our MDAs are active or seem to be doing nary routine work.

7. I wept because we still import virtually everything we eat/need in Nigeria: rice, chicken, fish, milk, palmoil, wheat, even fruits like pineapples.

8. I wept because refugees camps litter NIGERIA today more than any other country and they are in derelict, in fact deathly states. STARVATION, misery and deep humanitarian crises pervade the country.

9. I wept because about three quarters of Nigeria’s youth are wasting away… preparing the grounds for an apocalypse foretold.

10. I wept because about three quarters of NIGERIA is umanned as LGAs are all comatose, ungoverned and largely ungovernable…

If you love NIGERIA, these matters would surely evoke tears…

*Osuji is member, Standing Committee of Nigerian Guild of Editors.


By Editor

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