Brazilian doctors conducting surgery onlineBrazilian doctors conducting surgery online

Adeyinka Olaiya, Sao-Paulo, Brazil/

Doctors in Brazil are changing the face of eye treatment in a revolutionary way.

Advancing a new innovation known as Tele-medicine within the medical network, Brazilian doctors have joined the rest of the technological world in the cause of improving its medical attendance in the country.

Tele-medicine was originally launched with ethics at the convention of the World Medical Assembly held in Tel Aviv, Israel, in 1999, but Brazil has since introduced the possibilities of this advancement into its medical network to reduce queues at most of the country’s medical centers.

Doctors attending to patients online

Tele-medicine is a system where doctors, specialists attend to patients online, and in most cases through the internet and video calls; instructions are passed over to patients through telephones and through video calls to other doctors in case of medical surgeries.

According to the practitioners, the approach would reduce the transfer of patients to specialists’ hospitals in the cases of urgent surgeries as the specialists can instruct other doctors to realize surgeries through the telephone or video calls.

Eye-surgery conducted online through Tele-conference in Brazil

The development, according to the Council of Brazilian Medical Control Authority, in its 2018 resolution, resulted in the National practices of Tele-surgeries, Tele-consults and many more medical attendance online including online lectures.

NewsmakersNG learnt that Brazil today ranks among the countries where medical advancement is fast growing. The Latin American country now proves important in the new world of practical medicine and of high quality.

Dignitaries around the world now look upon this new medical advancement in Brazil as reasons why they should search for medical treatments and needs in Brazil instead of India and even in the United States.

An online-doctor at work in Brazil

By Dipo

Dipo Kehinde is an accomplished Nigerian journalist, artist, and designer with over 34 years experience. More info on:

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