Rotimi Morgan/
The 29-year-old man who drove his truck into cyclists and pedestrians in Lower Manhattan, New York, is from Uzbekistan, says U.S. authorities.
He is Sayfullo Habibullaevic Saipov. He came to the U.S. in 2010 under a Diversity Visa Programme. He was born in 1988. According to reports, he has a Florida driver’s license but he might have been staying in New Jersey.
He was once booked in St. Charles Missouri for a traffic offence last year October.

He rented a Home Depot pickup truck and mowed down pedestrians and cyclists along a busy bike path near the World Trade Center memorial Tuesday, killing at least eight and seriously injuring 11 in what the mayor called “a particularly cowardly act of terror.”
He was later shot in the abdomen by police after jumping out of the truck with what turned out to be a fake gun in each hand and shouting what witnesses said was “Allahu Akbar!,” Arabic for “God is great,” authorities said.
He has undergone surgery and is expected to survive.
Ninety-seven per cent of Uzbeks are muslims.
Read more on the attack: