By Femi Kusa/
Professor Okedinachi UTOMI shocked his teeming followers in academia, politics, business, and social media early this month on his Instagram handle with the revelation that he was prostate cancer challenged. Even in this his other engagement with fate, he would appear yet predestined to be a lucky man. Some years ago, he miraculously survived a road crash. I say he is a lucky man again because, as we his friends were trying to recover from the shock of his prostate cancer revelation, Professor Kingsley Ekwueme was in town with what promises to be a magic cure wand.
The professor came in from England where he and some Nigerian doctors had just successfully carried out an historic two-and-a-half-hour prostate cancer surgery on a Nigerian, using a keyhole camera technology under which the patient suffers no nerve damage, can still have an erection and remain a man from head to toe. I was excited when I watched the video which was sent to me by Mr Oluyemisi John, a former safety manager of Total and member of Kusa Green Pastures Herbs WhatsApp chat group.
According to Google:
“Professor Kingsley Ekwueme is a consultant urologist with a special interest in the minimally invasive surgical treatment of urological cancers using Robotic and Laparoscopic techniques.
Professor Ekwueme is a UK-trained surgeon. His surgical training was on the Merseyside training scheme under the tutelage of many eminent surgeons. Professor Ekwueme developed a strong research interest early on in his career and holds a doctoral degree awarded by the University of Liverpool. His research interests are wide-ranging. His training spans outside of the UK with a Robotic fellowship in Paris and key collaborations with experts in France and Germany.
Professor Ekwueme and his team have extensive experience in the field of urology, ensuring that you are well looked after throughout the course of your treatment”.
It is introduced by a woman who says:
“(It is) the triumph of a historic and lifesaving surgery. Professor Kingsley Ekwueme, a former U.K.-based Nigerian doctor has returned to the country to share his skill. The prostate is a small walnut-sized gland that produces the seminal fluid that nourishes sperm. Prostate cancer is three times more common in black populations than white majority ones. Patients in countries in Sub-Saharan Africa and the Caribbean are more likely to die than patients in the United States, United Kingdom, mainland Europe, and Australia. And the statistics are even more eye-opening when looking at Lagos.”
Professor Kingsley Ekwueme takes over: “The 100,000 population of Lagos, you have over 1000 diagnoses of prostate cancer. To put it in perspective, you compare that with Europe where you have 150 per 100,000. So, that is almost ten times of prostate cancer in Just Lagos State alone, as many prostate cancers in Lagos than in Europe.”
The presenter takes over:
“(This) is why what he has achieved in two and a half hours for the first time by a group of Nigerian doctors at Redington hospital is historic”.
Professor Ekwueme takes over:
“What we have got done on Sunday is treat and cure prostate cancer with surgery like it’s never been done before. It is a laparoscopic keyhole surgery. The keyhole camera magnifies the prostate. We no longer need to go deep down into the pelvis. We can see it all on the camera and you can perform intricate dissections and have been able to save the nerves of this patient… that (if) he has a young wife, he would go home and have an erection. So his cancer would be cured, he would maintain his erection and all its functions…and he would spend one night in hospital compared with open surgery where he would spend weeks.”
From Dr. Ekwueme’s figures, Nigeria may be approaching a prostate cancer epidemic. I will not be surprised if it is. In 1988, SEUN OGUNSEITAN, Assistant Science Editor of THE GUARDIAN, reported a hundredfold heavy metals presence above World Health Organisation (WHO) safety levels in the underground water of the Ijesha area of Lagos. Heavy metal toxicity is an underground suspected cause of prostate and other cancers. Metals were leaching into water from refuse dumps and people were drinking and cooking with it from toxic well water.
People are still inhaling lead, a heavy metal, from traffic smoke. People are eating vegetables from roadside gardens which have been suffused with lead from traffic exhaust which percolate into the soil. Many people are still eating cow skin which is cured in bonfires made of tyres that emit heavy metals such as lead, cadmium, iron, and even arsenic. Despite the ban by the government of Lagos State on Tyre bonfires to cure cow skin at the Lagos abattoir, the bonfires are still made, especially at the weekends when public health officials are not in sight. Interestingly, there is a police station nearby. But the policemen do not appear to recognize that a law is being broken or contravened right under their noses. Residents in the neighborhoods appear to be ignorant of the dangers in the air they are breathing. The air is thick with the aroma of roasting cow skin and is a carrier for the heavy metals released from the burning tyres. These heavy metals include lead, Mercury cadmium, and arsenic which are poisonous to various organs of the body, including the brain.
Google narrows down their effects on their possible effects on the prostate gland:
“The evaluation of some heavy metals in prostate cancer patients and controls in Enugu was carried out. Venous blood samples were collected from 72 participants who gave informed consent for this study at Enugu, Nigeria: 36 prostate cancer patients and 36 healthy subjects as controls. Blood-heavy elements were determined using Atomic Absorption Spectrometer… Data from this study were subjected to statistical analysis… From the result of the study, it seems that heavy metals are raised in prostate cancer patients, and thus may play some role in the pathogenesis of the disease”.
According to several studies, heavy metals cause oxidative stress, DNA damage, upset hormonal balances in men and women, and instigate cell death processes which may lead to the onset of any cancer.
About 20 years after OGUNSEITAN broke the news of multiple levels of heavy metals above world safety levels in underground Lagos water supply, the government of Lagos State confirmed heavy metal toxicity in underground water in some parts of Lagos. Today, a nauseating open refuse dump exists in Ojota, a few meters from dwellings, contrary to about 3 kilometers suggested by the WHO. It is still not clear if public and private waterworks in Nigeria have the technology to remove heavy metals and microplastics from public water supplies.
This month, pilgrims to the Osun River during the OSUN OSOGBO FESTIVAL were advised to not drink, bathe, or swim in the river because of heavy loads of heavy metals. Traditionally, pilgrims drank the water and bathed in it, believing doing so would make them fertile, cure their infirmities, psychically protect them against evil and enrich them with favours.
With this kind of scenario, the first step I always advise cancer-challenged persons to take is HEAVY METAL DETOXIFICATION, using CHELATED minerals, such as zinc, EDTA, CHLORELLA, and cilantro, among others. The trouble with us in Nigeria is that we hardly detoxify. We eat and eat and eat and eat until trouble looms and strikes!
We live in a world of parables. Our elders encapsulated them for us in wisdom chips. In Yoruba land, we are taught: “IKU TI O N NPA OJUGBA ENI OWE L’O N NPA F’ENI. (The death (or affliction) of your contemporary is speaking to you in a Parable). That is to say; you may be next in the queue. Thus, when I encounter such parables, I pull myself by the ear, shut down my space, pull a chair, and ask myself some probing questions. I did just that again when gatekeepers of the traditional media let out the story of Professor Pat Utomi’s prostate gland cancer.
I confess that I was shaken. When one hears of such things from distant human ecosystems, it sometimes makes little or no sense. My maternal grandmother’s breast cancer diagnosis in 1980, barely two years after I returned home from national youth service in Calabar, Cross River State, jolted me from slumber and sent me searching for cancer cures in the Alternative Medicine market, then at its infancy, when all orthodox medicine hospitals I approached said there was no hope. She passed. But that should not discourage a challenged person because, since then, many cases have been documented of persons who DEFEATED cancer. There is a long list of such persons and the natural medicines which helped them. In the book CANCER free, One of the books I purchased in 1980 to help my grandmother. It is co-authored by BILL HENDERSON, a medical layperson, and Denzel, M.D. The death of Henderson’s wife spurred him to write the book. He said it was not cancer but chemotherapy which killed her. To prove his point, Henderson gathered information on cancer survivors who avoided chemotherapy and other invasive methods but, nevertheless, survived on natural therapies.
Through telephone discussions and videos and more than 165 weekly newsletters, Henderson has reportedly helped more than 3,000 of his 4,000 stricken followers to defeat cancer, using natural methods of survivors documented in the book. Denzel Koh, of Australia, who said he cured his daughter of cancer using some of the ideas, described the book as a Bible for challenged persons. There is another book on THE GERSON THERAPY and several on Dr. Karl Folkers and his experiments with Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) and its reduced version, ubiquinol which is more potent. Dr. Max Gerson healed several cases of post-chemotherapy terminal cancers, using fruit and vegetable juices combined with organic coffee enemas to clean the small intestine and the colon inside out. This coffee is inedible. He presented the cases and his therapeutic methods to a congressional hearing in the United States.
Dr Folkers, nicknamed “the father of Co Q 10 research” because of his extensive research on this substance, is credited with an outstanding experiment in which about 30 cases of terminal breast cancers were healed using nutritional food supplements which, according to the team of doctors which worked with Dr Folkers, may have been energized by Co Q 10. All over the earth, there have been similar reports of the conquest of cancer. Yohannah Brandt, for example, wrote THE GRAPE CURE to show how an almost exclusive fast on grape juice saved her cancer-riven stomach.
The foregoing is to salute the courage of Professor Utomi. Many persons place their health situations inside the closet. By voicing his, Professor Utomi kindly invited the attention of all men his age and probably younger to the need to urgently bestir themselves and see their urologists or oncologists as the case may be.
When I heard the news, I was shaken. He and I were classmates between 1974 and 1977 at the Department of Mass Communications of the University of Nigeria, Nsukka (UNN). He was a lively young man who along with ALOZIE OGBUGBUAJA, that outspoken policeman, brought comic relief to the tedium of classroom life. Through them and a young woman named NANA AUDU, I learned that Catholic Reverend fathers were human beings. One of the priests was Father Anyaka. He must have been in his forties or fifties. I do not remember the name of the other one. PATOOO, as we called Pat Utomi, may have been under 20 like ISA MOMOH, one of his closest friends who never had a dull moment in his life. OGBUGBUAJA complemented them. While PATOO wore skull shoes with heels as long as one foot, OGBUGBUAJA wore dreadlocks. He would arrive for lectures, dead serious, after the lecturer had settled in, to welcoming chants of “Prof, …Prof… Prof… until he took his seat. Such were the floods of memories that crossed my mind last week when I heard of Professor Utomi’s condition. Immediately, I sent him a Gmail and WhatsApp message of hope.
The channels of hope for all men are legion and are all worth exploring. Some of them are nutrition, nutritional supplements, chakra or energy medicine, and the latest surgical procedure which I mentioned earlier. Nowadays, I always like to first put forward CHAKRA MEDICINE because it is little known in this corner of our earth but is, nevertheless, probably more potent than any type of intervention. On 23 June 2023, this was my leading suggestion during a speech I gave at a meeting in Lekki, Lagos, of upward-moving women professionals facilitated by MRS SOLA SOWEMIMO, a barrister and an organic farmer who is the Chief Executive Officer of OPE FARMS. The meeting was all about how pre-menopausal women may scale over menopause without being caught in the sometimes stormy or turbulent symptoms of the change of life.
Today, I would also like to suggest that men too pay serious attention to their SECOND CHAKRAS.
To understand the second chakra, we must understand the SEVEN CHAKRAS. The chakra is a vortex or source of energy which keeps the human body and its organs alive. To understand what this means, we may like to imagine the refrigerator, air conditioner, or television receiving set. None of these electrical appliances has a life of its own. It has a cable and a plug. When the plug is connected to a socket in the wall or anywhere in which there is electricity, electrical energy flows through into the plug and from there, through the cable, into the appliance which then comes alive and gives us the service for which we purchased it. In other words, the appliance has no life on its own. The human body is like that. It comes alive, and its organs are in an optimal state of health for as long as the body can plug into an animating source of energy… provided there is energy in the “socket”.
The foregoing thesis is that we human beings are not our physical bodies. That, in the first place, is why we speak in the possessive sense of “my hand” or “my head”, as we also speak of “my house” or “my car”, all of which are external to our being. We the Beings, are SPIRITS, human spirits, each one a bundle of energy in the material spheres for a purpose. That purpose and why and how we acquired our bodies are not the subject of this column. It is important to note though for the purpose of ENERGY MEDICINE and its healing potential, that we inhabit our bodies and give them life when they plug into our energy vortexes. When they fail to, for whatever reason(s), the health of their organs may ebb, the organs may become diseased, and the bodies may fall away from us in what we call death, while we, the beings, move on.
There are seven chakras or points of animating connections between us and our bodies. Each connection is like a “step-down transformer”. If the transformer blows, there is a “blackout” for the organs it serves. (These connections can be checked ON-LINE). Of importance to us here is THE SECOND CHAKRA. It serves the organs of the pelvic region in men and women. (The genitals, uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries, prostate gland, kidneys, lower back, lower abdomen) etc… When there is a chakra energy blockage to these organs, they fall ill or become diseased because they have no life of their own. What causes the blockage or outage is emotional disturbance. This chakra is about the uses of POWER for the benefit of everyone in one’s ecosystem of human beings or networks.
Often, the interplays of POWER RELATIONS lead to attempts to subsume or appropriate other persons, especially in sexual relationships. Where this is challenged and prevented and the loss of the intruding authority leads to pathological pain, this may diminish energy outflow from the being and energy blockage of the second chakra. In the book THE CREATION OF HEALTH, American surgeon Dr. Norman Sheally and co-author Carolyn Myss, an intuitive, explain how, without medication but appropriate counseling, many of their patients have been helped to overcome their emotional stresses, free energy chakras and regain their health from even breast cancers.
The internet, too, may offer useful suggestions. Men who suffer second chakra emotional disturbances when they are unable to control situations they would like to control and their pains become pathological may experience prostate gland challenges, hernias, urinary system troubles, etc.
To be continued.

FEMI KUSA was at various times Editor; Director of Publication/ Editor-in-Chief of THE GUARDIAN NEWSPAPER; and Editorial Director/ Editor-in-Chief of THE COMET NEWSPAPER. Currently, he keeps a Thursday Column on Alternative Medicine in the NATION NEWSPAPER.
Some of his health columns may be found on and in MIDIUM a digital platform for writers. He is active also on Facebook @ John OLUFEMI KUSA.