Protesters outside the US Embassy in Abuja todayProtesters outside the US Embassy in Abuja today

Segun Atanda/

Foreign Missions have expressed “deep concern” over the suspension of the Chief Justice of Nigeria, Justice Walter Onnoghen by President Muhammadu Buhari without the support of the National Assembly.

The United States Embassy and the British High Commission today issued separate statements condemning the timing of the suspension close to the election, just as some Nigerians staged a protest outside the American Embassy in Abuja.

The statement from the U.S. Embassy in Nigeria posted on its website today reads: “The Embassy of the United States is deeply concerned by the impact of the executive branch’s decision to suspend and replace the Chief Justice and head of the judicial branch without the support of the legislative branch on the eve of national and state elections.

“We note widespread Nigerian criticism that this decision is unconstitutional and that it undermines the independence of the judicial branch. That undercuts the stated determination of government, candidates, and political party leaders to ensure that the elections proceed in a way that is free, fair, transparent, and peaceful – leading to a credible result.

“We urge that the issues raised by this decision be resolved swiftly and peacefully in accordance with due process, full respect for the rule of law, and the spirit of the Constitution of Nigeria. Such action is needed urgently now to ensure that this decision does not cast a pall over the electoral process.”

The British Government noted in its statement that the timing of the removal which occurred three weeks to the election could cast a shadow over the polls.

The UK said although it respected Nigeria’s sovereignty, it would continue to show interest in Nigeria’s affairs as a friendly nation.

The British government said the removal of Onnoghen could affect the perception of the polls.

The statement reads: “The British High Commission expresses serious concern over the suspension of the Chief Justice of Nigeria.

“We have heard a wide range of credible and independent voices, including in the Nigerian legal profession and civil society, who have expressed concern over the constitutionality of the executive branch’s suspension of the chief officer of the judiciary.

“We respect Nigeria’s sovereign authority and its right to adjudicate on constitutional provisions but as friends of the Nigerian people, we are compelled to observe that the timing of this action, so close to national elections, gives cause for concern. It risks affecting both domestic and international perceptions on the credibility of the forthcoming elections. We, along with other members of the international community, are following developments closely.

“We encourage all actors to maintain calm and address the concerns raised by this development through due process, demonstrating their commitment to respecting the constitution and the impartial administration of the rule of law. We further urge them to take steps to ensure that elections take place in an environment conducive to a free, fair and peaceful process.”


By Editor

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