Nigerian soldiers on a rescue mission.


Nigeria has been ranked the 36th most powerful country in terms of military strength in the world.

The 2023 ranking, carried out by Global Fire Power (GFP), was arrived at after indices like quantity of military units, weapon numbers and diversity, available industries to the workforce, financial stability, logistical capability and geography were considered.

With a power index of 0.0712, the United States was ranked as the most powerful country in the world.

Russia and China were second and third on the list respectively, while India and the United Kingdom were ranked fourth and fifth. In order of their military strengths, South Korea, Pakistan, Japan, France and Italy made the top 10 list.

Other countries that made the top 20 list are Turkey, Brazil, Indonesia, Egypt, Ukraine, Australia, Iran, Israel, Vietnam and Poland.

With a power index of 0.5587, Nigeria was ranked 36th on the list, a step behind Norway and a step ahead of Sweden.

In a descending order, the 10 countries with the least military power in the world are Central African Republic, Iceland, Sierra Leone, Belize, Suriname, Liberia, Somalia, Moldova, Benin Republic and Bhutan.

For the 2023 GFP review, a total of 145 world powers were considered.


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