Pat Stevens/

The Methodist Roman Catholic Dialogue Commission, which brings together leaders of Methodist and Catholic churches in Nigeria annually, held its 2nd Dialogue in Abuja, from 13th–14th September 2021, with a warning that the country was at risk of becoming a failed nation, if the current security threats continued unchecked.

The dialogue was hosted by the Catholic Secretariat of Nigeria at Durumi, Abuja, with the theme, ‘Prophetic Reflections on the State of the Nigerian Nation’.

The dialogue was held under the co-chairmanship of His Eminence Samuel Kanu Uche, Prelate, Methodist Church Nigeria (represented by Most Rev’d Joseph Oche Job, Methodist Archbishop of Abuja) and Most Rev’d Michael Gokum, Bishop of Catholic Diocese of Pankshin and Chairman of Ecumenism of the Roman Catholic Church.

Papers were presented on the theme of the dialogue by Rev’d Fr. (Dr.) Michael Umoh (Roman Catholic Mission) and The Rt. Rev’d (Dr.) Michael Akinwale (Methodist Church Nigeria).

Secretary of Conference, Methodist Church Nigeria, Rt. Revd (Dr) Michael Akinwale, delivering his paper at the 2nd Methodist Catholic Dialogue Commission meeting, in Abuja.

After extensive reflections and discussions, participants at the dialogue made the following observations:

“That the present state of the Nigerian nation is worrisome and should be a cause for serious concern by all well meaning Nigerians.

“That the present spate of acts of brigandage, herdsmen lawlessness, banditry, terrorism, kidnapping and land grabbing if unchecked will result in Nigeria becoming a failed nation.

“That the various institutions of the Nigerian State charged with maintaining Law and Order appear, for undisclosed reasons, unable to provide answers to the security breaches, kidnappings and murders that have even consumed military formations such as the Nigerian Defence Academy, Kaduna.

“That the Federal Government of Nigeria has remained unresponsive to the yearnings of the generality of Nigerians in respect of providing a secure Nigerian Space in which Nigerians without discrimination can attain the highest heights possible without fears of discrimination on grounds of Sex, Religion, Creed, tribe or tongue.

“That the Federal Government of Nigeria appears unconcerned with the spiralling rate of Youth Unemployment and the falling value of the Naira.

“That the emergence of First Class Nigerians, Second Class Nigerians and Third Class Nigerians evidenced in discriminative, lopsided and nepotistic appointments and employments into Federal Government institutions does not bode well for the Unity, Peace and Progress of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

“That there are palpable feelings amongst a great majority of Nigerians that there are moves to colonise Nigeria afresh and this fresh assault has many fronts namely, political, economic, religious, geographical amongst others.”

Consequent upon the foregoing, participants also resolved that, “Members of the Commission should mobilise and galvanise their membership and other Nigerians towards being more civic-minded and patriotic and to identify with all well meaning policies of Government geared towards securing a better life for all Nigerians.

“Christians and all well meaning Nigerians should interrogate and evaluate all policies and actions of Government and remain vocal and supportive where necessary as all Nigerians are stakeholders in the Nigeria Project.

“The Church should seek ways and means of collaboration with Government to address the very serious issue of Youth Unemployment as this is a time bomb waiting to explode. The time bomb of Youth Unemployment needs to be diffused in the very immediate short term for the stability and progress of Nigeria.

“The Church shall continue to reject any attempts to introduce State Religion in any agencies, institutions or departments of Governance; or by any other means, subtle or brazen in the Nigerian State.

“The Federal Character Principle as stated in the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria should be implemented in all its ramifications at all levels.

“The Federal Government of Nigeria should take urgent steps to review the Nigerian Constitution in order to ensure Fairness, Peace, Equity and Justice in Nigeria; which appears presently unsustainable with the present Constitution.

“The Church shall continue to seek greater roles, devoid of political partisanship, in Citizen Mobilisation and Enlightenment in respect of the duties and expectations of the Office of Citizen of Nigeria from which Power flows to any occupant of elective or appointive office”.

The 2021 Dialogue further urged all Nigerians to remain committed to the Nigerian Project, noting that “a united Nigeria will mean a Greater Nigeria where tribes and tongues may differ; but in brotherhood we all shall stand as our Neighbour’s Keeper”.

The first edition of the Dialogue was hosted in 2017 by Methodist Church Nigeria and the third edition, which comes up in 2023, shall be hosted by Methodist Church Nigeria in Abuja.


By Editor

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