The late Amb Princeston LymanThe late Amb Princeston Lyman

Ololade Adeyanju/


The U.S.-Nigeria Trade Council has expressed deep sadness over the passage of the former United States Ambassador to Nigeria (1986-1989), Dr Princeton

A statement from the trade council to NewsmakersNG says, “Nigeria, United States of America, South Africa and in fact the whole world will forever be indebted to Dr Lyman, for his contribution to peace and prosperity, particularly in Africa. He had a ‘deep and abiding
vital emotional attachment to the Nigerian people, their magnificence, their courage, artistic brilliance, their irony, sense of humor in the face of challenges’.

“We extend a heartfelt condolence to his family and his loved ones.

“We also urge the United States, the United Nations and all countries in the African continent to imbibe the ideals of Dr. Lyman and build a strong human society.

“Dr. Lyman will be fondly remembered for his role in South Africa, where he helped engineer the transition from the country’s apartheid era of white supremacy to a multiracial, democratically elected government in the 1990s. The world has lost an inspiring figure – but one whose achievements will never be forgotten, and whose commitment to peace and justice will endure to inspire future generations.

“The U.S.-Nigeria Trade Council, USA. extends its condolences and sympathies to Ambassador Lyman’s family and loved ones.”


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