Ololade Adeyanju/

The new leader of ISIS has been captured just three months after the terrorist group’s last chief was killed.

Abu al-Hassan al-Qurayshi, of whom there are no known photographs in existence, was reportedly captured in a recent raid in Istanbul.

He is said to be the brother of slain former ISIS caliph Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and took over as chief just three months ago after the death of 45-year-old Abu Ibrahim al-Quraish.

The death of Quraishi was another crushing blow to ISIS two years after the violent Sunni Muslim group lost long-time leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi in a similar raid in 2019.

Ibrahim al-Quraishi, who was otherwise known as ‘The Professor’ and had a $10million bounty on his head, set off a suicide bomb that killed himself as well as members of his family, after US forces swooped in on his northern Syrian enclave.

Yet now anti-terror police believe they have captured the elusive new leader of ISIS.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is set to announce al-Hassan al-Qurayshi’s capture in the coming days, OdaTV said.

Officials said the terror chief was arrested after a long police surveillance and that no shots were fired during the raid. 


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