
A Nigerian mafia leader, Jeffy Joy, who was one of the few women on Italy’s 100 most wanted criminal list, has been extradited from Nigeria to Italy.

Joy, 48, was sentenced in 2010 to 13 years in jail in Italy for criminal conspiracy, slavery, people trafficking and living off the proceeds of prostitution.

Police said she was one of the leaders of the Nigerian Mafia or Black Mafia in Italy and had a leading role in bringing young Nigerian women to Italy, Spain and the Netherlands to work as prostitutes, using violence and threats of all kinds, including voodoo rites, against them and their family members back home.

She was arrested on June 4 last year in Nigeria by security agents and was flown back to Italy today.

It is the first extradition between the two countries on the basis of a new treaty that came into force in 2020.


By Editor

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