Dr Olukoya and wife warns Nigerians of possible scamDr Olukoya and wife warns Nigerians of possible scam

Segun Atanda/

Nigerians have been warned to be wary of suspected fraudsters soliciting for money in the name of the Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries (MFM).

According to a statement received by NewsmakersNG from MFM media committee today, the church has dissociated itself, the General Overseer worldwide, Dr. Daniel Kolawole  Olukoya, his wife, Pastor Shade Olukoya, the entire pastorate and leadership of the church from some online (Facebook and WhatsApp) electronic platforms seeking monetary contributions from the public and unwary members of the church, allegedly towards meeting the financial needs of some faceless ‘poor’ and ‘needy’ members of the church.

The statement signed by the Chairman of the Media Committee, Pastor Oladele Bank-Olemoh, says: “The MFM authority, through this medium, also warns the shady characters involved in this ungodly plot to dupe unsuspecting members of the church and friends of the MFM to desist forthwith, as their action is tantamount to invitation to God’s wrath.

“In the face of this development, the church will take serious legal action against every innocuous and wicked character behind giving the church a bad name, as already, the church has set legal machinery in motion to apprehend the rogues and bring the full weight of the law to take its course against them and protect its members from falling victims.

“MFM members home and in the diaspora, are through this medium, warned to be wary of any such electronic or print (paper) solicitation for funds under any guise and to rather confirm from the church authorities before wrongfully donating money to spurious causes, set up by dubious and ungodly characters.

“The church has a long-existing welfare scheme for its members and the needy in our society and it has never and will never request, demand, appeal or solicit for financial contributions of any form or under any guise, from the public.”


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