The toilet after the cobra was killed.

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A Facebook user has told how he narrowly escaped death from a huge cobra hiding in his water closet.

Thanking God for the divine intervention, Luke Erukakpome said that he had gone to the toilet to pee, and he flashed a torch to have a clear view of the water closet when the creature reared its head.

Here is the story he posted on Facebook with pictures of the black serpent: “God saved me from a dangerous horrible cobra yesterday night in my toilet seat (WC) here in Abraka, Delta State. It was around 7:34pm when I wanted to use the toilet (pee). I decided to use my torch light to view the sink before action. I saw a black stuff below the water in the toilet seat and I was trying to identify what it could be because I used the toilet some hours ago.

A member of the vigilante group holding the dead cobra.

“Lo and behold, it was a horrible looking cobra. I called the caretaker of the hostel where I live. He came and confirmed it. The snake is so big that we couldn’t devise another good means to kill it than the use of a gun.

“For more than two hours, the snake was there until we called the attention of the vigilante group and finally it was killed with the aid of a gun.”

Erukakpome urged people using toilets to always look very well.


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