Isaac Alocha aka Mayor of Norland

The Chief Detective/

The police in Lagos are investigating a case of sexual harassment against one of the coordinators of Norland Nigeria, a Chinese company that offers Multi-Level Marketing business built on curative Chinese Products, with compensations and benefits plan.

The accused coordinator identified as Isaac Alocha aka Mayor of Norland allegedly sexually harassed a woman in his team, sending suggestive messages and terrifying picture of his private part which he described as hotdog in a WhatsApp chat.

In a petition submitted to the police through her lawyers – F.T. Ibadin & Associates, the victim, Miss Fortune Akhuetie claimed that her uncle who is also a registered investor with Norland Nigeria introduced her to the multi-level marketing scheme.

She registered and invested the sum of N350, 000 which was allegedly paid into the personal account of Isaac Alocha, a recognized team leader of Norland. 

In the petition, Fortune alleged that Mayor of Norland was in the habit of making “forceful, unpleasant and unacceptable sexual advances towards her”.

On one occasion, Alocha asked her to get ready to perform oral sex on him while describing his penis as “hotdog”. 

At a time, Alocha allegedly told her in a WhatsApp chat that he was coming to her house to drop some products. He then asked her if she had anything for him when he comes. Thinking that Alocha was referring to drinks or food, she told him she had nothing. He then told her she had ‘pussy’ to give him. The next thing he allegedly did was to send her his nude picture displaying full erection.

He followed up with another message threatening that unless she agrees to have sex with him, she would not grow up the ladder in Norland. 

Fortune has taken the matter to the Lagos State Domestic and Sexual Violence Response Team (DSVRT) under the Ministry of Justice, from where the matter was transferred to the Lagos State Police Command for investigation.

In the referral letter to the Commissioner of Police (CP) Hakeem Odumosu, dated August 20, the DSVRT Coordinator, Titilola Vivour-Adeniyi stated, “We refer Miss Fortune Akhuetie to your office for your kind assistance. Miss Fortune alleged that one Mr. Isaac Alocha (Mayor of Norland) has been in the habit of making unpleasant and unwarranted sexual advances towards her. She lives in fear of being sexually assaulted. This is a case of sexual harassment, threat to life and assault occasioning harm, contrary to the criminal law of Lagos State 2015. Being a criminal allegation, the intervention of the police is needed in ensuring that the case is investigated and justice is served.” 

When contacted, Alocha admitted that he shared his nude with Fortune, but he described her allegations of sexual harassment as blackmail.

He said that he was just trying to help her in the business.

He also argued that he had committed no crime because Fortune is above 18 and he did not touch or come close to her.

Confirming receipt of the petition, CP Odumosu said that the matter had been transferred to the Gender section at the State Criminal Investigations Department, Panti for further investigation.

Here’s the full text of the petition from Fortune’s lawyers:


We are Solicitors to FORTUNE AKHUETIE (MISS) referred to herein as our Client on whose instructions and authority we write this letter. ‘

Our Client briefed us that her Uncle who is also a registered investor with Norland Nigeria introduced her to Norland Nigeria multi-level marketing scheme. Our Client registered and invested the sum of N350,000.00 (Three Hundred and Fifty Thousand Naira). That she paid into the personal account of ISAAC ALOCHA a staff and recognized agent of Norland the said money. That ISAAC ALOCHA is a principal officer of Norland in Nigeria; he is also our Client’s account manager, team leader and mentor under the Norland marketing scheme. ISAAC ALOCHA therefore stands in a fiduciary relationship to our Client but unfortunately he decided to abuse his office.

Our Client further informed us that, although Mr. ISAAC ALOCHA is a married man with kids, she noticed he was making unpleasant sexual advances towards her in a very rude and forceful way. Mr. ISAAC ALOCHA would repeatedly ask her about her personal life and whom she was dating. On one occasion, sometime in the month of March 2020, Mr. ISAAC ALOCHA during his conversation with our Client, he asked her if she likes hotdogs. She replied: “yes, I eat hotdog, but it is not my favourite meal”. Mr. ISAAC ALOCHA then told her: “that means you will eat my ‘hotdog’. Our Client understands the innuendo that the Mr. ISAAC ALOCHA’ was suggesting that she puts Mr. ISAAC ALOCHA penis in her mouth. It got to a point where our Client refused to take his call for days. However, because of the important role Mr. ISAAC ALOCHA holds in Norland and the role he was supposed to play in respect to our Client’s investment in Norland she could not bar his calls for too long, hence, she had to take his calls sometimes.

“One thing that is particularly sad is that Mr. ISAAC ALOCHA would wake her up sometimes at about 2.00 am asking her if she was lonely. Our Client had potential investors and she needed the help and assistance from Mr. ISAAC ALOCHA as the team leader and her account manager; rather than focus on his role, Mr. ISAAC ALOCHA would deviate their conversations into one of his sexual harassments. On 21 March 2020, he told our Client that he was coming to drop some product at her house. He then asked her if she had anything for him when he comes. Thinking Mr. ISAAC ALOCHA was referring to drinks or food, she told him she had nothing. He then told her that she had ‘pussy’ (that is her vagina) to give him. The next thing Mr. ISAAC ALOCHA did was to send her a picture of his naked body and his penis. He told her that unless he has sex with him, she could not grow up the ladder in Norland. Our Client was heartbroken and shamed by the brazen sexual harassment of Mr. ISAAC ALOCHA.

“Then Mr. ISAAC ALOCHA called her on phone and told her that for her information he was better than all the useless men that she is giving her ‘yansh’ to. In addition, that she can run but cannot hide. ‘Our Client cried all through the night. Our Client cannot leave her house for fear of being raped. Our Client is emotionally traumatized and feels she is being stalked. She reported the matter to her Uncle who called Mr. ISAAC ALOCHA. Instead of becoming apologizing and to repentant, Mr. ISAAC ALOCHA became cynical, he sent our Client Whatsapp messages that she is trying to blackmail him and that “sorry na ur name” (meaning our client will regret her refusal to have sex with him).

“It is our firm conviction that the actions of Mr. ISAAC ALOCHA amounts to sexual harassments contrary to section 257 (b) and Section 262 of the Criminal Law of Lagos State 2011 and therefore worthy of investigation and prosecution. We therefore, formally request that Mr. ISAAC ALOCHA be investigated and prosecuted accordingly.

“We rely on your ever-prompt response for the interest of justice and the protection of our Client.”


By Dipo

Dipo Kehinde is an accomplished Nigerian journalist, artist, and designer with over 34 years experience. More info on:

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