By Dupe Olaoye Osinkolu/

Nigeria’s Canada based veteran journalist and prolific writer, Akogun Tola Adeniyi is set to present his latest book to the public.
Titled “In The Belly Of Vultures”, the 1300-page book, published by Canada Press Limited, chronicles Adeniyi ‘s past articles. It highlights the rot in the society and proffers solutions.
‘In the Belly of Vultures’ is an addition to other valuable books from the stable of the fiery critic who started his journalism career in 1959.
The new book is scheduled for presentation and launch in Lagos next month.
His earlier literary works include: Teenage Must Repent (1964), Aye Ode Oni (1964), Soul Fire (1974), The Lunatic (1976), Nigerian Professionals (1985), The Jewel: A Biography Of Chief Mrs HID Awolowo, Theatre On Wheels (1997), and Deaths In The Thighs (2001).
Besides a successful journalism career that spanned over five decades, Akogun Adeniyi also held sway as a result – oriented administrator.
He was Deputy Managing Director, Sketch Newspapers; Director, Times Journalism Institute, Editor – in – Chief, Nigerian Tribune Newspapers; Chairman/Managing Director, Daily Times of Nigeria; Chairman, Deto – Deni Press, publisher of The Stamp and Naked World.


By Dipo

Dipo Kehinde is an accomplished Nigerian journalist, artist, and designer with over 34 years experience. More info on:

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