Ogbeni Oluwatosin/

Drowning is the leading cause of death among children aged 1 to 4, according to CDC. Nearly 4,000 people die by drowning each year, and young kids are especially at risk. Here are basic first aid skills that can save a drowning child.

Your first priority is to get the drowning child out of the water as quickly as possible. If they aren’t breathing, place them on their back on a firm surface,immediately begin rescue breathing.

Gently tilt the child’s head back with one hand, and lift their chin with the other. Put your ear to the child’s mouth and nose, and look, listen, and feel for signs of breathing.

If the child doesn’t seem to be breathing: For Infants under age 1, Place your mouth over infant’s nose and lips and give two breaths, each lasting about 1 second. Look for the chest to rise and fall.

For children 1 and older: Pinch child’s nose and seal your lips over their mouth. Give two slow, full breaths (1 to 2 seconds each). Wait for the chest to rise and fall before giving the second breath. If the chest rises after breaths, check for pulse.

If the chest doesn’t rise after breaths:
Try again, re-tilt the head, lift the child’s chin and repeat the steps above. Now check for pulse: Put two fingers on child’s neck to the side of the Adam’s apple. (For infants,feel inside the arm between the elbow & shoulder). Wait 5sec

If there is a pulse, give one breath every three seconds. Check for a pulse every minute, and continue rescue breathing until the child is breathing on their own or help arrives. If you can’t find a pulse, you’ll need to begin chest compressions.

For infants under age 1: Imagine a line between the child’s nipples, and place two fingers just below its centerpoint. Apply five half-inch chest compressions in about three seconds. After five compressions, seal your lips over your child’s mouth and nose and give one breath.

Children 1 and older: Use the heel of your hand (both hands for a teenager or adult) to apply five quick one-inch chest compressions to the middle of the breastbone (just above where the ribs come together) in about three seconds.

After five compressions, pinch your child’s nose, seal your lips over his mouth, and give one full breath.

Never Assume It’s Too Late to Save a child’s Life even if the child is unresponsive, continue performing CPR and do not stop until medical professionals take over. Your efforts could save a life.

*Oluwatosin shared the article via @Nrs_Kethz


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