Ibrahim Magu

Malik Yahya/

Former chairman of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC), AIG Ibrahim Magu (rtd), has announced the death of his mother, Hajja Bintu Jamarema.

In a statement this afternoon, Magu revealed that she died today in Maiduguri during a brief illness. She was 92.

The statement says she would be buried at 5.30pm today.

Magu’s statement reads, “Innalillahi wainna ilaihi rajiuun. I wish to hereby announce the passing of my dear mother, Hajja Bintu Jamarema. Aged about 92 years, she died today, Sunday 18th September 2022, in Maiduguri, after a brief illness. Janaiza is scheduled for today at 5.30 pm, Insha Allah. May Allah SWT forgive her shortcomings and grant her Al-jannah Firdausi. Ameen Thumma Ameen.”


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