Facebook CEO, Mark Zuckerberg.Facebook CEO, Mark Zuckerberg.

Facebook may soon introduce a “dislike” option to the already available reactions on its Messenger platform, TechCrunch has reported.

The social media giant is reportedly testing out the new reaction by showing a “dislike” option on the Messenger app to some users.

The thumbs-down Dislike button is showing in addition to six existing reaction emojis, including thumbs-up Like, Love, Haha, Wow, Sad and Angry that are available throughout its system.

The feature allows users to add reaction emojis, by clicking on a button next to text in conversations.

The reaction is attached to that particular comment, and everyone in the thread can see the reaction as it appears right before the line in the message. The users can tap it to see the reactions by each one to each message too.

“We’re always testing ways to make Messenger more fun and engaging. This is a small test where we enable people to share an emoji that best represents their feelings on a message,” a Facebook official reportedly told TechCrunch.

In the Reactions that was launched by Facebook almost a year ago, Love is said to be the most frequently used one, making up more than half of over 300 billion reactions registered.

If the test is successful, Facebook is likely to roll out dislike button to all users.


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