Tunji Opadiran aka Jeje

Matilda Omonaiye/


For several months the writing has been on his Facebook wall, but nobody saw it coming today when an engineer in Lagos returned home to allegedly commit suicide after a timeout drinking with friends.

NewsmakersNG learnt that Tunji Opadiran aka Jeje, a generator engineer, hung himself with a rope tied to the hook of a ceiling fan in his one-room apartment at 8, Morounfolu Street, Akilo, in Ogba area of Lagos.

A check by NewsmakersNG on his Facebook posts since last year showed many emotional comments that he made about how life and people around him have been treating him.

Here are some of his lamentations on Facebook: “Anytime fear come trust in thee…Psalm 56-3.

“Good life, if it’s not now when? …

“Some people are only friends when things are going well but they turn against you when things are not. Be mindful of them.

“Love doesn’t hurt. It wasn’t love that hurt you. It was a selfish person who didn’t know how to love you that hurt you. Know the difference!

“If you remove the letter F from the word LIFE, what remains is LIE. F stands for fulfillment. Without it, your life is a lie!”

Eyewitnesses revealed that the late Opadiran earlier, this evening, took some friends out to a joint and bought drinks for them. Then, he allegedly returned home to kill himself by hanging.


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