
In compliance with the Supreme Court’s judgement of 13th January, calling for the selection processes to the throne of Obong of Calabar to be re-conducted, the Etubom Conclave, Wednesday night, re-selected and proclaimed Etubom Ekpo Otu Abasi as Obong of Calabar

The rigorous processes, which started five days ago, culminated in the re-selection and proclamation of Ekpo Otu Abasi as the Obong of Calabar, being the only contestant to the throne.

This was after the Supreme Court affirmed the Appeal Court judgement of 2013, which disqualified Chief Anthony Ani, a contestant to the throne for not being a capped Etubom in the Obong’s Council, as required by Constitution of Etuboms Council.

Reading a statement to journalists in the Obong’s palace, Etubom Offiong Effiwatt, Chairman of Etubom Conclave, the Efik Kingmakers, said the selection and proclamation was done in strict compliance with the Etuboms Council Constitution of 2002 and rules of natural justice.

“Among other things, the Etubom’s Council has complied with the Supreme Courts Order and taken all the necessary steps leading to the convening of the Etuboms’ Conclave and conducting a selection process and found Ekpo Okon Abasi Otu of Attai Bocco House of Western Calabar, who was presented as nominee by the most senior Etubom of Atai Bocco group, Etubom Otu Effa Otu as provided for by the Constitution of Etuboms’ Council 2002, was found fully qualified and satisfied by his credentials and therefore proclaimed him a successor to the throne of Obong of Calabar.”

The statement, which was signed by 13 Etuboms and two other Etuboms in acting capacity declared that all necessary steps were taken in compliance with the Constitution of Etuboms Council 2002.


By Editor

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