Pat Stevens/

The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) has unveiled an Internet Application designed by a staff of the Commission to ease the process of reporting economic and financial crimes in the country.

Speaking today during the unveiling of the App, christened, Eagle Eye, the Executive Chairman of EFCC, Abdulrasheed Bawa, described it as “a product of the ingenuity of a staff of the Commission”.

He noted that the App was wholly conceived, designed and developed by the unnamed staff of the Commission.

According to Bawa, the initiative is a clear demonstration of his pledge on assumption of office to ensure thaf the agency is technology-driven, adding that “the Eagle Eye represents a new experience in information sharing and crime reporting between the public and the EFCC”.

“Apart from complementing the existing channels for reporting economic crimes, the App also eliminates person-to-person interface in the reporting process thus guaranteeing anonymity, which is a major incentive to effective whistle blowing,” the EFCC boss further explained.

While appealing to members of the public to take advantage of the App in exposing cases of corruption and economic crimes, Bawa noted that “those who hitherto were afraid to report corruption cases to the Commission, either for fear of being identified by the culprits or having their identities revealed, can now do so with the assurance of full anonymity”.

He emphasised that Eagle Eye will go a long way in aiding the reporting of fraudulent activities of individuals, particularly those involved in money laundering under the cover real estate business.

“With the Eagle Eye, Nigerians and non-Nigerians can easily take a picture of a property suspected to have been fraudulently or corruptly acquired and report it through the App seamlessly,” he noted. 

He enjoined journalists to not only help in sensitising the public about the App, but also make use of it themselves to pass on sensitive information to the Commission.

On how the App works, the EFCC Chairman said Eagle Eye is a user friendly application with features that can be easily navigated by any literate person, after downloading it from either the Apple or Google play store.

He also said those who wish obtain the whistleblowers’ reward for the information they are providing can indicate so through the App.

He however warned the public against providing false or misleading information to the Commission, adding that there are clearly stipulated penalties for such acts.


By Editor

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