Malik Yahya/

A coronavirus patient undergoing treatment at the Infectious Disease Control Center, in Kaduna attempted to escape from the isolation centre, today.

The patient was however prevented from escaping by personnel of the Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC) on guard at the centre.

NSCDC said in a statement that the fleeing COVID-19 patient engaged its officers on duty in a scuffle during his escape bid.

The statement was signed by the Media Assistant to the Commandant General of the Corps, Ekunola Gbenga,

The statement titled, ‘Kaduna: Civil Defence Officer capture COVID-19 patient who attempted to escape’, reads, “It has emerged that a COVID-19 positive patient attempted to escape from isolation center in Kaduna without authorisation.

“The suspected COVlD-l9 patient tried to leave the Centre for morning prayers without the permission of doctors.

“A confrontation ensued between our personnel and the patient who forcefully picked the keys of the gate of the Center and tried to open the gate to escape.

“The patient was arrested by Corps Assistant Joshua Philip who was among the officers on duty at the isolation center.

“The COVID-19 index is said to have engaged the Civil Defence Officer Joshua Philip in serious fracas after he stopped him from leaving his quarantine ward at the isolation center. This exposed the officer to the patient of the COVID-19.

“The keys were disinfected, despite that, the doctor gave the personnel some drugs; he was instructed to self-isolate for two weeks and to call the Center if he develops any symptoms.

“The Corps had since strengthened its security measures in the internal isolation centre.”


By Editor

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