The cannibal couple

Ololade Adeyanju/

A Russian couple have been arrested over alleged cannibalism.
Dmitry Baksheev, 35 and his wife Natalia Baksheeva, 42, were arrested following Natalia’s alleged confession that they murdered and ate around 30 people, including women found through dating websites, according to MailOnline.
It was reported that the couple kept the remains of dogs and cats in their fridge and freezer next to ‘steamed’ and frozen human remains from their “final victim” Elena Vashrusheva, a 35 year old waitress.

The couple’s last victim, Elena Vashrusheva

Investigators are waiting for DNA test results in order to understand how many people’s remains were in the fridge.
So far only Elena’s body parts – some pickled in glass jars – have been identified and investigators say they have no hard evidence of further killings as they probe Natalia’s confession.
Natalia has however complained that she has been mocked by fellow inmates in her detention jail who taunted her saying: “Did you eat enough human meat?”
Bakseev is kept in solitary confinement amid fears he will be assaulted by other detainees.
The pair from Kransodar in southern Russia confessed to murdering the waitress ‘in a fit of jealously” after Natalia accused her of seeking to seduce her husband.
A picture dated 1999 found at their flat is believed to show a severed human head served as dinner and garnished with mandarin oranges.
A friend of the couple, retired air force communications officer Sergey Labintsev, said they suddenly attacked him on the false allegation that he had slept with Natalia.
Baksheev said he was consumed by jealousy.
“I could have been eaten too,” said the pensioner, who said he “had a nightmare that they were making steamed meat from me”.
“I could have been dead,” he added.
Police believe a friend of couple met women on dating websites and then passed on their details to the pair who killed and ate them.
Police have detained Baksheev’s close associate Roman Sidorov and are said to have suggested during interrogations that he was an accomplice to the pair.


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