By Femi Kusa
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If you are clairaudient, you may hear whispers of cancer of the blood knocking heads, agitating nerves, and elevating blood pressure. In some healthcare circles, this cancer is believed to be a death sentence. Yet, in others, reprieve is sometimes found. Death or reprieve may depend on the method of healthcare and how far gone out of hand is the sickness.
At an Indian children’s hospital, doctors saved lives with bone marrow meal prescriptions. The information led me to a New Zealand company that made bone marrow meal from the bone marrows of organic grass-grazing bovines. The product helped some cancer and sickle-cell-challenged persons.
According to spiritually inclined followers of mother nature, and healthcare systems, cancer cannot afflict any human body in which the liver is healthy and optimally performs its job and the bloodstream is well composed and radiates at its fullest capacity. This information first showed the light on any cancer when it was released to humanity in the 1920s in a spiritual tide. For many persons beset with cancer before then, at that time, and even now, the liver must be in various stages of weakness, the blood is poorly composed, vibrating less than it should, and, therefore, unable to disintegrate any life form foreign to the body.
I understood so in the 1970s while I struggled, as I still do, to understand human existence, creation, and the laws of nature as the Language God speaks to HIS CREATURES IN HIS CREATION.
In the battle against cancer, pharmaceutical weapons such as injections and drugs are often deployed. This approach is a direct attack on the cancer and not on the cause(s). This is like stoking a fire. The cancer grows angrier, bigger, and more devastating. Biochemist, Dr Robert Young, suggests in his PH MIRACLE that this is like fighting against Nature. He says that, inside every cell, plant, animal, or human, there is a microscopic organism called MICROZYMA. Mother Nature placed it in the cells to make the cells die and decay when they become acidic.
If expired bodies do not decay and then become turned into dust, would there be space left today on Earth for those bodies on the life curve? Dr Young puts radiant health down to how alkaline or acidic our bodies are. THE ACID / ALKALINE SCALE is 0-14. Seven is a safety valve. Readings below seven are progressively acidic from 6.9 to 0, while those above SEVEN are progressively ALKALINE from 7.1 to 14.
Excessive alkalinity is dangerous. The safe level is about 7.34, according to many researchers and physicians. Dr Young says that MICROZYMA is INACTIVE in the right ALKALINE MEDIUM, but active in an acidic environment, devolving into bacteria, viruses, and mold as the acidosis increases. These organisms cause irritation, disease, inflammation, and pain. A doctor who is trained to wage war on bacteria with dangerous anti-bacterial drugs prescribes antibiotics. Antibiotics would wipe out some of the bacteria and leave acidic residues in the tissue and blood. Angry remnant bacteria would reproduce in bigger multitudes which become resistant to the drugs. The doctor would change his prescriptions to even mightier dosages and the scenarios would continue.
I have seen a scenario of this in Nigeria’s Boko Haram insurgency. The harder the Nigerian Army pounds them, the more the Boko Haram troops re-emerge to fight. They flee from air bombings to return like yeast-leavened bread in the oven. In the human body, says Dr Young, more acidosis brings viruses and, then, mold out of michrozyma in its devolving procedures. In laboratory and human blood circulation scenarios, these micro-organisms EVOLVE into Michrozyma when treated with alkaline factors.
This process is more natural and bears fulsome testimony to the spiritual guidance of the 1920s that
1) Cancer cannot exist in a human body in which the liver is healthy and
2) Neither drugs nor injections, but the right kinds of foods and drinks bring lasting health.
Accordingly, Natural Medicine physicians who understand THE LANGUAGE OF THE CREATOR IN HIS CREATION do not wage war on bacteria, viruses, and mold, because they are performing their natural roles in the human body. They clean up the liver, the cells, organs and tissues, and the bloodstream – THE RIVER OF LIFE. When this is well done, the organs regain their balance and health and MICROZYMA returns to whence it came.
Every day, our bodies generate potential cancer cells. A healthy liver pulverizes and disintegrates them. These cells too commit suicide by literally pulling on themselves the triggers of their P.53 genes. Where they cannot do this, as Dr. Karl Folkers and his research team have shown, it is because they have become devitalized and de-energized. In the Finnish landmark experiment in which nutrition, in particular Co-enzyme CoQ10 and ubiquinol were given to scores of women with terminal breast cancers and they recovered, we observe evidence of THE RIGHT KINDS OF FOOD AND DRINKS and the RECOMPOSITION OF THE BLOOD.
You should please permit me to talk more about THE BLOOD. Its RADIATION is meant to be the strongest of any life form in the body and to destroy life forms incompatible with the body’s health.
What is it? Why does the blood of the fetus growing in a woman’s womb not start to circulate, and the fetus has to depend on the mother’s blood circulation until it gives the pregnant woman the first kicks of pregnancy? Why is it that the blood starts to circulate then but ceases to after death? Are the first kicks of pregnancy due to the entrance of a vital force in the fetal body, and is the exit of this vital force from a young, adult, or old human body the cause of death?
There are two schools of thought in this great debate about THE MYSTERY OF THE BLOOD, its functions, composition, and how the blood can cause various diseases, including cancer of the blood. The first school sees no big deal in the blood. It sees the human body as being mechanistic, simply an arrangement of specialized cells into tissues, those tissues into specialized organs, and the specialized organs into the various systems.
The mechanists reject the idea of a VITAL FORCE as the switch that activates or inactivates the systems. However, they are confused when they must explain why the blood of humans and animals have different compositions when the human body originated from the advanced animal body. Most of them bow before the explanation that human blood has an advanced or superior composition because it is formed by the HUMAN SPIRIT which dwells inside the body as its housing during its sojourn on earth for a purpose, while animal blood is composed by the animistic essence from the animistic spheres of existence which lies below the spiritual spheres and is, therefore, less energetic than the SPIRIT.
For the VITALIST school of thought which opposes the MECHANIST school, this vital force is the SOUL. Many people confuse the SOUL with the GHOST.
To understand the SOUL concerning the formation, composition, and maintenance of healthy blood, the knowledge of the SPIRIT is important. Man, that is you and I, is a HUMAN SPIRIT from the SPIRIT or SPIRITUAL WORLD, our home, PARADISE. We are a species of CREATION. We are on EARTH for a purpose. There are many spheres of existence between the spiritual realms and the earth. As the spirit journeys to the earth, it covers itself with the material of each of these lower spheres of existence. These coverings of the spirit and the spirit, but without the covering of the earth picked up in a mother’s womb, is the SOUL.
When the earth’s body or covering is added, the spirit man on Earth is the EARTH-MAN. Until the soul picks up the earth covering growing in the womb, it stands beside the pregnant woman, directing development in the womb. In the middle of pregnancy, the soul enters the growing body, the baby begins to kick, and its blood, not the mother’s anymore, begins to circulate within its body. The day the soul leaves that body at any age, that earth covering falls apart in DEATH. This suggests something… THAT THE SOUL FORMS THE BLOOD AND MAINTAINS ITS HEALTH AND CIRCULATION!
What we call GHOST is lifeless matter animated by the Soul to interface between it and the body as direct spirit energy will cripple the body. I remember this phenomenon when I wished to launder a sensitive cloth with an electric iron and place another cloth between the two. When the soul pulls away from the earth-body in death, it may pull this interfacing or ASTRAL BODY along or leave it behind with the body. If it leaves it behind, the corpse may take some time to decay, especially if the soul is still hanging around and the Astral Body which is still drawing energy from it is passing it over to the body. However, when the soul moves away and pulls the astral form along, it is this Astral form, now separated from the earthly body and the soul but which still manages to exist, that we call THE GHOST. Soon, the “ghost” will disintegrate when the soul is farther from it and no longer draws nourishment from its radiation.
Hematologists and hematopathologists (Blood doctors) ascribe many functions to the blood. These include the transport of nutrients and Oxygen to the cells, removal of their metabolic wastes to the excretory organs, movement of immune cells, and repair of proteins to troubled tissues, etc. However, all of these are functions subordinate to why the spirit made the blood. THE BLOOD IS MADE TO FORM THE BRIDGE FOR THE ACTIVITY OF THE SPIRIT ON EARTH. The spirit is here on earth for a purpose, and it needs the gross material human body in the gross material earth to materially manifest itself to achieve this purpose. Astronauts need paraphernalia homogenous with space consistencies. Divers need paraphernalia homogenous with water consistency.
Even the blood is too dense to transmit communication from the spirit to the brain (cerebrum and cerebellum). The spirit glows through its soul body to the SILVER CORD, the invisible connecting link with the body at the SOLAR PLEXUS, which is in the middle of the abdomen where a powerful group of nerves links some critical organs with the brain. The activity of the spirit would have to halt at the solar plexus if there is no finer medium than the blood to move its communication to the brain and bring back communication from the earthly environment through a reverse process. The problem is resolved by the blood, under promptings of the spirit and the body to a lesser extent, to produce RADIATION fine enough for a two-way communication transport. This is achieved through a specific composition of the blood for the use by the particular spirit or soul which masterminds it.
In the specific composition and radiation of the blood lies the secret of the four blood groups. No one can take a blood transfusion from a blood group not suitable for his or her own without coming to harm. In the knowledge mediated to mankind on earth for about 100 years now, it is shown that more groups are still undiscovered and that no two human beings have the same blood, that, someday, the blood of all persons would become their identity cards. Even today, when a person is transfused with another person’s blood from a compatible blood group, the “foreign” blood alters the radiation of the recipient’s blood and makes the spirit unable to effectively and efficiently control the body and astutely manifest outwardly.
Thus, a BLOOD RADIATION ineffective for a healthy activity of the spirit on earth is to be found in the WRONG COMPOSITION OF THE BLOOD. The natural process is for radiations of the spirit to move across the silver cord to the solar plexus and, from there, for the radiations to impress the back brain (cerebellum) with picture forms which the Blood Radiation will transport to the cerebrum (frontal brain) which will decode the spiritual information and instruction and carry them out on earth. The fact that the cerebellum, the spiritually receptive part of the two brains, has become “the small brain” is evidence of its disuse and atrophy and why the human spirit has not had a serious foothold on earth.
Diseases such as AUTISM can be explained by the phenomenon of incompetent Blood Radiation locking the human spirit out of the body and out of its earthly activities. There are no sick souls or spirits, but inadequate or even sick Blood RADIATIONS rooted in the weak composition of the Blood.
When the blood Radiation of a person falls to the level where another soul can take it over and use it, this often happens. Spookish events such as knocks on the door, moving objects, strange noises and smells often arise around such persons. POSSESSION may occur when a disembodied earth-bound soul roaming around takes over the brain and body of such a careless person, temporarily or permanently, causing him or her to exhibit a SPLIT PERSONALITY. The real owner of the body, careless with the Blood composition and Radiation, struggles with an invading soul for control of its brain and body. This may not be INSANITY as often assumed and is correctable with the re-composition of the blood to produce the right Blood Radiation for the owner-soul.
This is a group term for rapidly overpopulating, immature, and functionally redundant cells. There are three major types: Leukemia, (white blood cells), lymphoma (lymph cells), and myeloma (plasma cells).
Google describes the symptoms to include:
“People may experience: Pain areas in the bones or joints Whole body: dizziness, fatigue, fever, or loss of appetite
Also, common: bleeding, easy bruising, frequent infections, mouth ulcer, nosebleeds, pale skin, petechiae, shortness of breath, swollen lymph nodes, unintentional weight loss, or weakness”.
Chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and pharmaceutical drugs are of little use. The blood needs to be purified, recomposed, nourished, and protected. Nourishment includes spiritual nurture as the spirit makes the blood. Spiritual nurture has nothing to do with religious life which, often, is not spiritual. The spirit must be alive, self-recognizing, discovering creation and its place and role in it, including the spiritual purpose of earthly existence, and fulfilling it. Above all, there is the need to strive for a “high aim” which survives earthly existence.
Spiritual life is connected to the THIRD CHAKRA in energy medicine. This is also called the NAVEL CHAKRA because it is the site of the SILVER CORD and relates, also, with the SOLAR PLEXUS. This chakra or energy center may be blocked by emotional discomfitures which must be removed from earthly activities. They include low self-esteem, anger, misuse of power, etc. Early symptoms of disconnection of spirit and body may include heavy footsteps, problems of digestion, absorption and assimilation, blood malformation, excretion, reproduction, and respiration. These challenges may profit from yellow colour therapy or the solarization of water in yellow bottles for drinking. There is more to say on this subject.
At the level of the body, working with the functional temperament is important. Often, this depends on age (sanguine, melancholia, choleric, or phlegmatic), RADIATIONS of the stars, and earth forms in the zone of the earth where the challenged person was born.
RECOMPOSITION of the blood through the body would begin with cleansing, alternative, and nutritive herbs. Earlier, I described the support BONE MARROW MEAL gave leukemia-suffering children in India. There are reports of STINGING NETTLE and MARIGOLD FLOWERS helping some adults. JOBELYN, the Nigerian herbal blood formula, has prolonged the lives of some leukemia patients abroad, beyond the expectations of their doctors. Also, well recommended are herbs such as cleavers, burdock, Red clover, Beets, yellow dock, Golden seal, Bentonite clay, and Goji berries. Green foods and juices play a significant role in reviving the blood, recomposing, and re-energizing it.
Several years ago, I published an article on this page titled LET’S DRINK GREEN, THE EARTH IS NOT GREEN FOR THE FUN OF IT. In this regard, I will also suggest aloe vera juice and liquid chlorophyll. The structure of chlorophyll, the green part of the plant combines the forces of the air, water, the sun, the moon, and the stars with the forces of the soil to encapsulate plant food and medicines for the human body, is made up of HYDROGEN, NITROGEN, CARBON, and OXYGEN with MAGNESIUM as the central atom which holds the four pillars together. The same structure presents itself in the hemoglobin of the human blood, except for the central IRON atom. Thus, when we eat green or drink green, the body recomposes and recharges the human blood by replacing magnesium with iron. The treasure trove of Mother Nature is inexhaustible.
Most of us humans are guilty of the neglect of our bodies. We speak of “MY HAND” and of “MY HEAD”, but we do not bother about that ESSENCE, the SPIRIT, that is MAN, who inhabits the body of which we speak, the owner. As we live in this body with “an irresponsible indifference and lack of understanding”, as the wise one has been admonishing. We do not realize that, for the union of the spirit and the body to hold, both must produce radiations that unite. A weakening of the radiations of either means a weakening of the union, illness for the body, withdrawal of the spirit, and death of the body. We do not give to the body what it needs for a healthy union with the spirit for as long as we experience no physical pains, or until we have damaged it, or when it slows us down in the bread and butter rat race. Yet the physical body is the most precious gift the Almighty Creator has given to everyone during earthly sojourn for the maturing of the spirit without which admission to the longed-for Paradise is impossible.
Cancer of the blood is surmountable. The attending doctor must be a physician who understands the connection between the spirit (or soul) and the body. Observation of the patient during a walk should suffice to diagnose if both are aligned or if the spirit has lost control over the body, and to which extent. The spirit brings POWER to the union, the body, and PHYSICAL STRENGTH alone. Strength without power is evident in heavy steps and lack of grace or beauty in body movements such as bubbling and stumping, all awkward.
For the sake of our friend who may profit from the foregoing, however, this journey may end, I say to Madam: the first steps are to feed him almost exclusively on the fruits and edible leaves in season. These are what Mother Nature has provided for the healing and nourishment of our bodies in our zone of the earth.

FEMI KUSA was at various times Editor; Director of Publication/ Editor-in-Chief of THE GUARDIAN NEWSPAPER, and Editorial Director/ Editor-in-Chief of THE COMET NEWSPAPER. Currently, he keeps a Thursday Column on Alternative Medicine in the NATION NEWSPAPER.
Some of his health columns may be found on and in MIDIUM a digital platform for writers. He is active also on Facebook @ John OLUFEMI KUSA.