President Muhammadu Buhari

Pat Stevens/

President Muhammadu Buhari has backed the one year deadline set by the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) for the return of democratic rule to Mali.

Buhari stated his position at the third Extraordinary Summit of ECOWAS Heads of State and Governments on the socio-political crisis in Mali, today.

The President, who joined other West African leaders in the virtual meeting from Abuja, charged the military junta in Mali to set an acceptable time table for return to democratic government within the next 12 months.

He also demanded an unconditional release of all senior government officials arrested alongside former President Ibrahim Boubacar Keita, who has now been released.

Buhari who shared the highlights of his presentation at the meeting on his verified Twitter handle, @MBuhari, wrote:

“At our ECOWAS leaders meeting today, I put forward the following recommendations for the military leadership in Mali:

“The immediate release of all the remaining senior Government officials in detention, without pre-conditions.

“A transition process, to be completed in not more than 12 months, and which shall include the representatives of Malian stakeholders.

“The government needs to do these in order to enjoy the cooperation and collaboration of regional and international community, and to allow the easing of sanctions imposed on Mali.

“Nigeria will, alongside ECOWAS, provide the necessary logistics support to facilitate the conduct of elections to re-establish democratic governance in Mali.

“I would like to thank once again, the ECOWAS Mediator in Mali, @GEJonathan, as well as my colleagues in the sub-region, who have continued to demonstrate sincere commitment to the resolution of this crisis. Nigeria stands in full solidarity with the people of Mali.”


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