U.S. President Joe Biden

President Joe Biden was finally able to disembark from Air Force One on Monday after he was stuck on board for 30 minutes as airport personnel struggled through the heavy snowfall to bring the stair lift to the door of the presidential plane, according to reports.

The president was reportedly stuck on the plane, waiting on the snowy tarmac while the staff worked to free him and so the tarmac could be plowed.

Biden, 79, walked down the stairs carefully, one hand on the rail and the other held up to his face to brace himself from the driving snow. Snow rained down hard, causing the president to sway as he made his way off the plane.

In an unusual move, a Secret Service agent walked right behind the president on the stairs. Usually they keep a few feet back to stay out of the camera shot.

Last March, the president slipped and fell on the stairs while boarding the presidential plane. 

The presidential car, known as The Beast, was waiting for him. For the snowy drive back to the White House, Biden used the SUV version of his car instead of the armoured limousine. 

It took the motorcade over an hour to make the journey from Joint Base Andrews. Typically, given that roads are cleared for the president and sirens are blaring, it takes about half that time.


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