Bandits storm Kaduna Airport

Malik Yahya/

A guard attached to the Kaduna International Airport has been shot to death during a surprise attack by bandits today.

The victim, Shehu Na’Allah, was identified as a staff of the Nigerian Airspace Management Agency (NAMA).

The manager at the Airport, Mrs. Amina Salami, confirmed that the bandits invaded the airport through the perimeter fence from a nearby forest at about 1 pm today and started shooting sporadically.

She added that a security guard with the Nigerian Airspace Management Agency (NAMA) who was patrolling around the runway was shot to death by the bandits.

The airport manager also disclosed that the sound of gunshot attracted the attention of armed security operatives who arrived at the scene and were able to repel the bandits from gaining access into the main airport complex.

The attack also delayed a scheduled Lagos-bound aircraft from taking off from the Kaduna airport, while armed operatives of the Nigerian Airforce and other military personnel have taken over the innards and outer areas of the airport to fish out the bandits.

The Kaduna State government has also confirmed the attack through the Commissioner for Internal Security and Home Affairs, Mr. Samuel Aruwan.

Aruwan said troops stationed within and around the airport responded and repelled the attackers.

He added that the bandits shot and killed the NAMA staff stationed at the perimeter fence, who raised the alarm on sighting them.

“Airport operations resumed with scheduled flights departing after the incident.

“Security forces are conducting operations in the airport general area. Further updates will be communicated to the public,” he said.

According to Aruwan, Governor Nasir El-Rufa’i commended the security forces for their prompt response to the attack, and for repelling the attackers.

He expressed sadness at the report of the casualty, and sent condolences to the family of the victim while offering prayers for the repose of his soul.


By Dipo

Dipo Kehinde is an accomplished Nigerian journalist, artist, and designer with over 34 years experience. More info on:

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