Malik Yahya/

The death of a nine-year-old girl in a church in Makurdi, Benue State capital in the early hours of today remains a mystery, amidst claims that she committed suicide.

NewsmakersNG learnt that the young girl was staying with a prophetess of a Pentecostal church in Ankpa Quarters area of the city.

Her body was reportedly found on the floor of their bathroom with a towel tied around her neck suggesting that she might have used the towel to hang herself.

Police Public Relations Officer, DSP Catherine Anene, confirmed the incident.

She said that the matter was reported to the police around 11.30am today.

Anene said the corpse had been deposited at the morgue of St. Theresa’s Hospital in Makurdi while the case is still under investigation.

“At about 1130hours, a report was received that girl, 9, was found hanged in the bathroom. Her corpse has been deposited at St. Theresa Hospital morgue.

“The case is under investigation. Further development will be communicated to you in due course please,” Anene said


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