Malik Yahya/

A 3-month-old baby has been defiled in Adogi village in Nasarawa State.

According to Daily Trust, the victim is currently receiving surgical treatment at Jos University Teaching Hospital (JUTH).

Mother of the victim, Maimuna Adam, disclosed that the incident occurred in the midnight of May 27, when the family was asleep and the door to their room was left open due to heat being experienced in the area.

“The incident occurred on Wednesday 27 of last month when suddenly I woke up around 3am and found that my baby was missing. I checked my phone which was also close to me before I slept, but it was also missing,” the mother told the newspaper.

Maimuna said soon after she realised that something was wrong with her infant daughter and she began to shout following which people in the compound woke up to find out what the matter was.

She explained that relations and neighbours went out in search of the baby on foot and motorcycles, and ultimately the child was found in an uncompleted building bleeding.

“She was found lying in the building with her pant kept aside. Everywhere across her private part was blood. We then rushed her to the hospital, “ she disclosed.

She however called on security and other stakeholders in Nasarawa State to ensure the arrest of the culprit to ensure that justice is done.

She said a family member reported the case to a police station in Adogi for a day after the incident but no concrete action has been taken by the police so far.

When contacted, spokesperson of the Nasarawa Police Command, ASP Ramhan Nansel, claimed there was no record of such an incident in any police station in the area.

He said, “The case was not reported to the police in Nasarawa. I called the police within which Adogi falls; the case wasn’t reported but we are still investigating the matter.”


By Editor

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