Pat Stevens/

The Federal Government has suspended all foreign travels for ministers and heads of parastatals pending the completion of the defence of the 2020 budget before the Senate.

The Director Information, Office of Secretary to the Government of the Federation, Mr. Willie Bassey, disclosed this in a statement today.

The statement reads:

“Sequel to presentation of the 2020 Appropriation Bill, President Muhammadu Buhari has directed the immediate suspension of international travels by all Cabinet Members and Heads of Government Agencies so as to enable Ministers personally lead the process of Budget defence at the National Assembly.

“The suspension of such travels will enable Functionaries and Agencies of the Executive Arm to provide the required cooperation with the Legislature in order to ensure timely passage of the Appropriation Bill.

“Honourable Ministers who have already secured approval to travel are by this directive, required to revalidate such approvals with Mr. President after confirming the Schedule of Appearances with the relevant Committees of the National Assembly.

“Furthermore, all Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) have been directed to liaise with the relevant committees of the National Assembly for their Schedules of Budget defence.”


By Editor

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