Atiku’s wife urges women to vote credible leaders in 2019Atiku’s wife urges women to vote credible leaders in 2019.


Chief Titi Abubakar, wife of Peoples Democratic Party, (PDP) Presidential Candidate, Atiku Abubakar, on Saturday urged women to vote for credible leaders in the 2019 general elections.

Abubakar, who is also the founder of Women Trafficking and Child Labour Eradication Foundation (WOTCLEF), said this while speaking at the 2018 Diocesan Women Conference of the Church of Nigeria ( Anglican Communion) in Abuja.

The 19th annual conference had the theme “Be a living epistle”.

She asked them to participate actively in the forthcoming election and also contest for leadership positions.

She said, “Through this, we shall raise a generation of conscientious leaders who will have the fear of God in them to do all the needful to develop our dear nation.

“We as women must rise up to the task of reshaping our country by providing our intuitive ideas to support the developmental ideals of Nigeria.”

She further challenged them to endeavour to raise good children, capable of taking leadership positions in the future.

She added, “We must endeavour to raise good children and of course inspire them to do the same to their children.

“Through this, we shall raise a generation of conscientious leaders who will have the fear of God in them to do all the needful to develop our dear Nation.

“Trust me my dear women; for Nigeria? There is Hope!”

In her address, Mrs Nkasiobi Okoh, the wife of the Primate and National President, Mothers’ Union/Women’s Guild of the church, also urged women to be living epistles.

Okoh also advised women to render services to God heartily and in accordance with His standard.

She reminded the women that God did not create anyone to be a liability `and for this reason, everyone should discover and key into God’s purpose for her, being guided by His standard”.

She, however, stressed that every woman as a “Christian daughter, wife, mother and grandmother, have roles to play at all levels’’.

“Being a Christian woman is a calling. Do your work with passion and every sense of responsibility for we shall be accountable to the Lord,’’ she said

Okoh further charged the women to make God the ultimate goal of their service and use all the good virtues God had endowed them with.

She also implored the youths ahead of the 2019 general elections not to allow themselves to be used for election violence.

She reminded them that participating actively in elections was an obligation to their fatherland.


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